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Part 2 of scars. Wilbur's part

(if your here and don't like angst this is not the place for you)


Heartbreak. Lots have gone through it. None of them enjoyed it. It breaks people. Causes them to hurt. It causes them to die. Hearts can easily be broke. All you need is a knife and someone who is vulnerable. Wilbur happened to be the perfect victim.


Wilbur was always popular with the girls. With his charming talk. To his musical talent. All the girls loved him. But he didn't love them.

The first time Wilbur went through heartbreak was when his first girlfriend had broken up with him. She had no reason but then again does she need one? He wasn't anything special. He didn't deserve her love. That's what he thought. His thoughts messed up his head. They rattled through his thoughts when he tried to sleep. He pushed them down but they always came back.

The second time Wilbur felt his heart break was when his second girlfriend cheated on him. This time it hurt more. He loved her and he thought she loved him. If she loved him why did she betray his heart like this. His heart is slowly cracking and no ones been there to heal it. His heart is dying and so is his mind. But all he can do is wait till he finds that perfect person.

The third last and worst time he felt heartbreak was when his true love. Had died. She left him to go to paradise while he had to stay and feel his heart finally begin to crumble apart. He died inside. He killed his mind and body. But he was still there. He could never leave even if he wanted too. The grim reaper has plans for him to suffer. He won't die he will have to live with a broken heart and mind until he finally he gives up.

He hasn't fallen in love since and refuses to go out with anyone. His heart is broke. His mind is dead. And his body is in worse condition then it ever has been. Lots of scars like his brother. Lots of freckles like his dad.

He needs help but he can't find it. He is slowly falling into an even deeper and darker pit than he was already in which no one thought was possible.

Once he met her it all changed. And for the better. Thank god he met her. Or he would have died. That perfect person which can make anyone smile. Even the most broken and dead person can be lifted up and brought to shine it just takes some time.

439 words

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