The new king

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Kingdom au bishessssss. This was requested by Sleepy_Reader56 . Also why as soon as I ask for requests because I can't think of any fucking five million new prompts pop up in my brain? Like why? But oh well enjoy!


Mr. Philza Minecraft. The ruler of youtobia and is part of the great royal family who has lead this great kingdom for centuries. The man had stopped wars and won wars. The man has been one of the kingdoms best rulers to ever live. But sadly he is becoming too old for the job as king and he needs to give the crown to one of his three sons.

His youngest Tommy. Too young to be king.

The middle child technoblade. One of the most feared men in the entire country and has been in the front lines of every war he's ever been in. He has trained and trained every day since he was a child. He has won many tournaments held by other kingdoms. He is the grand champion of the strength festival they hold every year. He is a amazing warrior but he is not suited for the throne.

His eldest Wilbur. He is a kind man who once every week will go into town and sing songs for the children and others who watch. He is a man of many talents the one he uses the most though is his musical ability's. He is able to win over everyone's hearts as they hear his speeches and songs. He is able to help everyone who is suffering. He is the best suited for the throne.

It has been two weeks since the coronation for Wilbur in which he became king and so far he has done nothing but good. He has officially made his brother technoblade the commander for the military. He has helped stop family's from going hungry. And he has made a orphanage for all the poor children who's parents have died in battle.

Wilbur is doing a amazing job as king and his family is very proud of him. He has proven to life that he is just as strong as his father and that he will be a great king.

Wilbur now has a wife and a child. His wife sally and his son fundy. They are all living happy lives as Wilbur continues to rule the kingdom until one day it will be his turn to give up the throne and hand it over to his son fundy.

417 words

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