Dirty crime brothers

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This is an au where techno and Phil are brothers and like to do some... things together... probably things they shouldn't. Also techno is 18 and Phil is 22

Police chasing


How did it come to this... neither of them know... well they do but it's kind of a long story.

Techno and Phil were just relaxing and talking you know like normal brothers but they thing is... their not normal brothers. They are two brothers who favorite thing to do with each other is commit crime.

Again they were talking and relaxing when they got bored so what did they do? They went into technos closet and grabbed the leftover things from their last journey to the park. The list included: a lighter, matches, spray paint, sharpies, knifes, a gun, and a duffel bag to keep them all in. Not normal things to be bringing to a park I know but the things they do at parks aren't normal.

Phil grabs his car keys and they head outside techno carrying the duffel bag on his shoulder. They drive for about three minutes before their there. Techno grabs the duffel bag and they both get out and head for the playground.

Techno sets down the duffel bag and he takes out the spray paints and hands some to Phil and they get to work. Phil walks over to the back side of the playground where some of their other works had been poorly scrubbed off. He took the cans of paint he had and started on a design he had been planning out in his head for a while. Techno was also working on a design he had been working on his spread out through about 20 something feet of the playground and would take a long time people to scrub off.

They had come here many times before and all over the place you could find poorly scrubbed off spray paint, burn marks, and even some sharpie which stained the wood and couldn't come off. They had never been caught until tonight. They had finished with the spray paint and had even done some sharpie drawings too and they were about to light somethings on fire when they heard it. Police sirens. They didn't know if they had been found out or not but they didn't want to take the chance. Phil hurried over to the duffel bag and put all of their stuff back in except the lighter which techno was using to light some of the trees on fire. Once he was done lighting things up he put the lighter in the bag and they hurried to their car but it was too late. The police were there by the time they were driving off so they started a police chase.

Phil was a perfect getaway driver and techno was good with a gun so they made a damn good team when it came to this. Phil was swerving through streets cutting corners and going way over the speed limit and techno had grabbed the gun and started shooting at the police. So far techno had popped three tires from one car causing that car to stop. And had even shit two police officers one in the arm and one through the chest. Both of those cars had stopped now too. There was still three cars chasing them but they managed to get away.

They got home with no injury's no nothing they were completely safe but they had fucked up the polices day well night.

595 words

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