Emo phase prt 2

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Just part 2 of the one before this I didn't give that one a name so yea this get no name as well but ya enjoy I guess


Still Phil POV

"Wilbur Tommy and techno are not attention seeking" "yeah sure then why are they always doing stupid things like getting in trouble and getting hurt on purpose?" "They don't do those thing if either of those thing happen it's not on purpose" "YES IT IS when will you see that?!? Why do you favorite them over me!?!" "Wilbur I don't have favorites" "oh yeah than why am I always being ignored by you while you give them so much attention" Wilbur I give both you and your brothers attention no one gets any more then the others" "can you just leave me alone?" "Can you apologize to your brothers first?" "Im not apologizing to them they deserved it" "Wilbur please apologize" "no" "ugh fine but I want you to stay in here until you decide to" "what that isn't fair!" "Just stay in here ok?" "Fine" "good" and with that I leave to go check up on techno and Tommy. (Holy shit that was a lot of talking whoa)

*knock* "hey can I come in?" I say not really excepting an answer "Yeah sure" techno says. I walk in and see techno still holding Tommy close and Tommy still sleeping "how long has he been sleeping?" "About an hour now" "ok. Did I wake you up by the yelling" "yeah" "oh sorry" "it's fine" techno still seems down I guess he heard what wil was saying about him and toms. Suddenly Tommy wakes up "hey how did you sleep?" Techno asks softly the thing is techno only really acts soft around Tommy and Wilbur but I guess after what happened that might change "I slept good" "good" they just sit there enjoying the warmth of the other (PLATONIC) so I leave them be and go downstairs to make some food for everyone it was a long day for them and they should just relax.

Once I'm done making food I call all of them down Tommy and techno come down first then Wilbur comes down a bit after. There's no talking going on which I guess is better that arguing but the tension is still really high. After they're all done eating they all go back to their rooms I'm guessing Tommy goes into technos room with him because I hear laughter coming from them so that's good.

*time skip a few days*

Wilbur has apologized to his brothers and they are getting along well again but it's still obvious that what wil said to them hurt them as Tommy hasn't been yelling as much as before. But I'm mostly just glad that they are getting along again.


478 words

Ahah part two yay

I'm feeling in mood right now so i might write something else so you might get two in a row

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