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This is something someone requested so thank you to @OneBrokenToaster for the request I had a lot of fun writing this!


It was late at night 2:46 to be exact. everyone was asleep but one blonde child. Tommy sat in his room staring up at his ceiling unable to fall asleep. He had been laying there for hours his insomnia not getting any better. Then he suddenly has a great idea why don't I just go for a walk my brothers do it all the time at night so why don't I. He gets up from his bed puts on a sweatshirt, grabs his phone and he's ready. He goes downstairs and out the front door. He steps out into the cold air and it sends a shiver up his spine as he wasn't used to it yet.

*Time skip*
(It's now 3:23)

After a while of walking through the park he sees a bench and sits down. He looks at the beautiful scenery and sighs. He's still not any more tired. He was sitting there zoned out staring at the forest in front of him that the park was connected to when someone sits down next to him he looks over and sees his older brother techno. "Hey tech" Tommy says "hey" techno says back "what are you doing out so late Tommy?" "Couldn't sleep how about you?" "Same" they sit there in a comfortable silence before techno breaks it "so why did you decide to come here?" "You and wil always come here at night so I decided to come too" Tommy yawns and techno looks over at him "you getting tired yet?" "Kind of". Tommy was starting to drift off to sleep so instead of falling over in his sleep he puts his head on technos shoulder.

After a while tommy had fallen asleep and techno realized he did so he put Tommy on his back and started for home. After a while of walking they were back home techno was really tired at this point so instead of taking him and Tommy upstairs to their rooms he lays down on the couch with Tommy on top of him. Techno falls asleep almost immediately with Tommy cuddled up on him.

The next morning Phil is the first to wake up like usual but when he goes downstairs he can't help but aw at the sight. His two youngest sons cuddled up on the couch still asleep. He leaves them alone and goes to start breakfast. As he's cooking techno wakes up and so does Tommy. "Hey Tommy" "hey tech" they both say as they yawn and get up. They go out to the kitchen with Phil "hey boys how did you sleep?" "Good" they both reply with "why were you both asleep on the couch then?" They told Phil what happened last night and he understood. They were talking when finally Wilbur cam downstairs "hey wil" Phil says "foods almost done sit down" Wilbur sits down and they eat breakfast and enjoy the rest of the day relaxing.

514 words

I had a lot of fun writing that thanks again to the person who requested it and I hope it was good!

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