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It was late at night but of course people were still awake. Techno was sitting in his room bored out of his mind when a thought came to him. He got up and went across his room and to his closet. He opened it and grabbed something a violin case. He brought it back to his bed and opened it up taking the violin the bow and the tuner out. He grabbed the items and went outside and onto the roof. He goes here almost every night either just sitting and thinking, reading, and tonight playing his violin. He sat down and plucked at the strings which were way out of tune. He put the tuner on the instrument and got to work. After a few minutes he finished and his violin was in perfect tune. He was thinking about what some to play for a while until he finally figured it out. He put the violin up to his chin grabbed the bow and slowly started playing the song (you chose what song). The bow was gliding across the strings beautifully and he hit every note with perfection. He was lost in the music and didn't even realize when the other three sleepy bois all came outside. Wilbur and Tommy came up on top of the roof while Phil just sat at his window listening. None of them interrupted him as all they wanted to do was listen. He finished the song and brought the instrument that was so amazing at playing back down to his lap. "Wow" was all Tommy could say "that was amazing" Wilbur said techno turned around and saw them staring at him in aw. "Heh well thank you" Phil came up now and said the same thing as Wilbur did. Phil knew that his sons were talented in music (well at least two of them were) and wanted them to express themselves that way as neither of them were good at expressing themselves any other way. After a while of talking Phil looked at his phone to see that it was now 2am and they were sitting on top of their roof. "Cmon let's go to bed now" "awwwww alright" Tommy said they all slipped back down through their windows and went to bed.

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