Role models

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Wooooo second post of the night let's goooo.


Phil has always looked up to techno as techno has looked up to Phil. They pride eachother for their weaknesses and help them when they are down.

Phil will forever be their with techno because even though of all the bad things he has done he still stays there with him. He never abandons him and he never will. And that just confuses Phil.  Why would someone want to stay here with someone over hound reds of years older than him? And to answer that question it is because. Techno doesn't care how old he is. He's known him for so long that to leave him now would feel like a crime.

Techno looks up to Phil because of how kind he is. Techno has a hard time with emotions so to see someone talk and care with such passion scares him in a good way. He strives to be more like that but so far isn't succeeding. Techno also has troubles understanding why Phil stays with him. And again I will answer that question. It is because of the trues bravery he shows for those he cares about. For those who help him he helps them back.

Ranboo respects both of them. From techno bravery to Phil's kindness he strives to be like them and to care as much as possible while also making good decisions and also doing it with an iron fist if he needs to.

They all love eachother and look up to them and how they show off their weaknesses like a hairpin and wear their pride like a belt. They might never speak of it but they all know of it.

Words: 287

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