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Warning this will include
Self harm

Don't like leave


Techno and phill were downstairs having a loud argument while Wilbur and Tommy were upstairs trying to sleep.

Techno had said some pretty hurtful things to Phil and Phil was extremely angry with him hence all the yelling. The argument was just getting more heated many the minute and soon both had to take a break because their throats were basically dead. When technos ability to talk came again he immediately said "I'm sorry for saying those things I-" but he was cut off by Phil "SORRY?!? SORRY IS ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY?!?" Phil yelled techno was startled by his yelling and stepped back from him. "I know sorry isn't enough for what I've done and I'm not asking you to forgive me but still I'm sorry".

Phil looked at techno then out of anger and not thinking properly he raised his hand up techno saw what he was doing and his first instinct was to put his hands in front of his face to block being hit in that face. He stood there techno shaking with his hands up trying to protect himself Phil looked at the bot in confusion and asked "techno? What are you doing?" The pink haired boy looked at him and quietly asked " your- your not going to hit me?" Phil took a small gasp and then asked "why would you think I would hurt you?" "He used too" was all he said when suddenly all the memories came back to him


Techno was sitting in his room his body was throbbing in pain from everywhere he had bruises all over his body and was bleeding from many cuts on his face. He slowly got up and headed to the bathroom he searched around for something before he found it a small razor blade. He grabbed it and then immediately started cuts deep cuts all over his body his wrists his ankles his chest everywhere thinking to hi self 'you deserve this nobody likes you nobody cares about you' you should just leave no one would care' those last words are what made him start having a mental breakdown. He thought to himself 'I could just leave run away and never have to deal with this again' so the next nights he did it he packed a bag full of food clothes money (which he stole from his shithead of a dad) and his phone and off he was.

He snuck out through his window at 2 am and was wondering ' where do I go?' He stayed in the woods for a long time before he finally met Phil. That was the best day of his life and ever since then he had lived happily with his brothers and dad


Techno snapped back into reality and noticed a worried Phil with his arms wrapped around him. Both of them were crying and all Phil could say was "Im sorry" "it's okay" techno said back the two climbed onto the couch together and slowly fell asleep techno still in Phil's arms as they cuddled tightly

520 words

HOLY SHIT that was wow that was my first story so sorry if it's bad it's also like 1 am right now so I'm starting to get tired

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