Piglin culture

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A/N: sorry I don't post very often just I don't feel very good and I'm going back to school now so I'm just very stressed.


Piglin culture can be extremely complicated but once you know it it's quite easy to understand.

A part of piglin culture is the blood god. Every time a blood bid dies it is replaced by the youngest child in all of the land. The only way they can tell is by waiting because nothing actually changes about them. They just get stronger.

Techno just happened to be the youngest child in the the land when the blood bid had died. He was turned into the blood god. But once that happened bad luck spread throughout his village.

People were getting sick and dying. Nether wart used to trade with others wasn't growing properly which had never happened before. And the one they blamed it on was techno himself.

Because the child was so young they couldn't do much about it but as he grew up they started to hate him more and more until he had enough. He had lost control.

He ended up with much blood on his hands as he ran away from home never to be seen again. But that might just be because they had all died.

Techno ran into the over world in the nearest portal he saw which is what lead him to Phil. The kind man took him in and raised him with his son Wilbur. They all were very close but techno never told them one thing. The blood god.

They went about 7 months before techno snapped again. His teeth got sharper and he grew sharp claws he was foaming a little at the mouth and all he had on mind was to kill. So what did Phil do? He shoved him outside and locked all the doors.

Now before you go saying "BuT hEs A cHilD" he was perfectly fine and if he hadn't done that him and Wilbur very easily could have been dead.

When they went looking for techno they found him in the middle of the forest surrounded by a pool of blood with a dead torn up rabbit near him.

They took him home and Phil asked him some questions to which he answered truthfully. He told him about the blood god about his village hating him and how he ran away. Phil felt awful for the child and being his normal fatherly self gave him a hug and comforted him until he calmed down.

Ever since then Phil tries to understand techno and his behaviors as best as he can. He understands his relationships with people and how badly they might want kill him or how badly he wants to kill them. But most importantly he is there for him when he needs it.

Words: 489

I will probably post some more tonight so look out for that.

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