Fathers home

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"I'm home!" Wilbur yelled into the house as he entered through the door. "Daddy!!" A small Fundy yells as he comes crashing through the hallway and jumps into his fathers arms "how's my little champion doing?" "Great!!".


"Hi my little champi-" "stop right there" "what?" Fundy glares at Wilbur with such hatred that wilbur has never seen in his eyes before "you lost the ability to call me that a long time ago" Fundy says still glaring daggers at his father "hell you lost the ability to be called my father a long time ago" wilbur was shocked but Fundy was pissed and just kept going. "You left me so many god damn times that I stopped counting. I tired to be there for you when your life went downhill but the moment my life starts to go down you fucking left me. So I am officially taking away the title of father from you." Wilbur was in complete shock but wouldn't any parent be if their child said that to them.

Fundy left for his house and Wilbur sat there wondering what he should have done just to help his son

192 words

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