Just vibin

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IM CHANGING IT UP. My au changed so I need to change this but it is still the basics on what they look like.

Phil 6,0
Wilbur 6,3
Techno 6,2 in "human" form 7,5 in piglin form
Tommy 5,11

Phil has pretty big black wings on his back so of course he can fly
Wilbur has small light gray wings on his back but they are so small he can't use them to fly.
(Human form) Techno has two small tusks and two small piglin ears on his head. (In piglin form) he literally just has the entire head of a piglin as well as his hands and feet turn pink.
Tommy is basically just a normal human. (MUGGLE BOY)

Phil has blonde hair that goes down to his shoulders. He brushes it daily and often can be seen with in up in a ponytail
Wilburs hair is brown, short, and curly
Technos hair is long and a light shade of pink. He keeps care of it pretty well but sometimes gets annoyed with it and just puts it up and ignores it for a long period of time.
And Tommy hairs is blonde, short, and extremely messy form him running around so much

Phil has teal eyes
Wilbur has brown eyes
Techno has red eyes
And Tommy has blue eyes

Phil normally wears lose clothing so that he's free to move around as he pleases. Also all of his clothing has little holes cut out in the back for his wings
Wilbur almost always wears a sweater and some black sweatpants
Techno likes to dress fancy because he grew up in a bad environment where he rarely ever got to wear clothing that wasn't tattered and worn.
Tommy is always wearing his red and white shirt its literally the only shirt he wears.

There you go! Updated version of what they look like!

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