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Being immortal is a challenge. You watch people fall into madness and you watch people give up.

I even watched my own son fall into madness. As much as I wished it had gone a different way it didn't and now I've lost him forever.

Techno is the one who keeps me from falling. He's always in the moment. He's the only person I've seen become a god on their own.

We stick together keeping each other sane. And because we care for each other. Some would even call us family and that description fits perfectly.

This small family survives on its own. This small family will be around for years to come never leaving until it needs too.

This small family is the family that will keep the world going. This beautiful small family is amazing and anyone who try's to break it will fail.

Recently a new member has come. Ranboo. He has exceptional potential and we must keep him from falling because if he does I don't think we'll be able to find someone like him.

If we're correct he could be a god someday like techno. We just need to keep him sane. And the best way of doing that is for him to join out beautiful small family.

215 words

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