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As we should all know C!Tubbo and C!Ranboo have a romantic relationship so that's how I imagined it but if you'd like to you can think of it in a different way

🥰Pure fluff🥰

"Mmmmmm" Tubbo groaned as he sat up in his bed. He looked next to him to see Ranboo still passed out "hey sleepyhead" the brunette called out to him slightly shaking him too. "Whatttt" Ranboo said quietly as if he was still asleep "Cmon get we have work to do" "no" they continued having an argument until Tubbo got up and picked Ranboo up and dragged him into the kitchen.

"Now will you get up?" Tubbo asked "no" "ughhh." Tubbo started making breakfast before he went to wake up Michael.

When he came downstairs he say the Ranboo had finally gotten up and had finished their breakfast  "well look who finally decided to get up" Ranboo yawned as he got his food from the counter and took it to the table. 

After breakfast they were finally able to go out and finish what they started the day before.

"Cmon we need to finish the garden then we can move the farm here too" Ranboo said "alright in almost done" Tubbo responded

They worked for the remainder of the day taking occasional breaks to eat and visit Michael.

Once they finished everything they went to visit Phil and Techno in the north since they recently asked them to repair some things of theirs and needed them back. They headed to the nether portal to get there quicker.

"Hey Techno" Ranboo said as he and Tubbo entered the house "we just came by to pick up our items guessing that their done" "yup here ya go" the piglin responded "thanks!"

They had spent all day walking around and working so Tubbo decided that they deserved a break. "Hey Ranboooo" "yes Tubbo?" "Would you like for me to get some food and then we can spend the rest of the day inside?" "That would be lovely Tubbo" the brunette smiled before going to get the food"

He came back and the two husbands spent the rest of the day inside cuddling with Michael.

392 words

I tried to make this one longer since most of my stories are short soooo yeah it just got random and lazy at the end.

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