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A/N omggg thank you so muchhh I didn't think this would get this many views holy shitttt i know I said this not that long ago but dangggg 2k+ views? I am sooo grateful!

Wild Karen
Some violence

Basically the sbi just meet a wild Karen while at a store


3rd person POV

All the sleepy bois were at the store because they needed more food and things and Phil doesn't trust them to be alone. "Ok so Tommy you go get dairy foods, techno you go get frozen foods, Wilbur you go get the vegetables, and I'll get the meat, ok?" "Ok" they all respond none of them want to be here. Tommy goes to the dairy section and starts getting the food on his list when suddenly a woman taps him on the shoulder.

"Young man where are your parent a kid this young shouldn't be shopping by himself" "EXCUSE YOU I AM NOT A CHILD" Tommy yells back at her "young man do not yell at me respect your elders" "then don't call me a child!" "Ugh" and with that she leaves Tommy takes that as a win and goes back to shopping so he can be done.

Techno is in the frozen food section when of course the same Karen that messed with Tommy started talking to him "young man why did you think it was ok to dye your hair pink?" "Umm first of all this is my natural hair color and second what's wrong with me having pink hair?" "Don't lie to me I know you dyed your hair no normal human has pink hair and what's wrong with you having pink hair? It's a girls color! Your a boy you should have a boys color!" "Cool now can you leave me alone?" Ugh young man that is not how you treat your elders!" "I don't care I don't even know you" at this point the Karen is mad but of course she notices his pig ears "excuse me but why do have fake pig ears in your hair?!?" "Well ummm they're not fake they are real" "lies take them off now!" Cant really do that ma'am sorry" she then takes her hands and starts pulling at his ears and when they won't come off she just starts pulling harder which is causing techno a lot of pain so he yelps before kicking her in the stomach grabbing the last item he needs then leaving to go find Phil.

All of the sleepy bois meet up in the front of the store like they said they would they give all of their items to Phil and then wait for him to finish checking out "ugh I met a Karen while shopping" Tommy said "oh really?" Wilbur replied with "yeah and she called me a child!" "Haha that's because you are one" "ugh" "yeah I encountered a Karen too probably the same one" "haha you too just attract Karen's don't you" "yeah for some reason she just didn't like my hair or my ears" "yea she thought I was 'too young to be shopping alone'" "hehe well let's go home then" they say as Phil walks up to them. They go home and Tommy and techno share their story's about the wild Karen and they just relax.

555 words

Short but oh well

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