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Philza POV

I was downstairs getting breakfast ready when I heard someone's door open and then close 'weird no one is normally up at this time' he looks over at the stairs and sees Wilbur at the bottom of them "what are you doing up so early?" I ask he yawns and says "idk honestly I just woke up and couldn't fall back asleep" he said shrugging "ok......well then can you go wake up your brothers?" "Sure" he says before leaving to go back upstairs

Wilbur POV

'Upstairs we gooooo' i think as I yawn again I go to Tommy's room first since it the first one in the hallway "Tommy get upppppp" "hmmmm five more minutes" he says tiredly "dads making pancakes cmonnnn" "nOooOoOoooOoO" "fine then I'll make you get up" I say as I grab him by his feet and start dragging him off his be "fine fine I'll get up just stop!!" "Ok" i drop his feet and they smack down on his bed "ow" he says as I leave. Alright now technos room

"Techno get up" "why?" "Because dads almost done with breakfast" "no" "really?!?" "Mhm" techno rolls over so he's facing away from me "cmon dads making pancakesssssss" "still a no" "fine then I'll do what I did with Tommy to you" I say as I grab him by his feet but instead of it being like Tommy he doesn't react he just sits there "cmon technoooooo" fine geez I'll come" "ayyyyyyy" "ugh I'll be down in a minute" "ok!" I then leave

Tommy's POV

'Geez what's taking them so long' I just want to eat but da- I mean Phil won't let me eat until Wilbur and techno are down here. I hear thumping coming down the stairs "took ya long enough" I say Wilbur looks at me and says "techno really did not want to get up today but I got him up!" Just as he says that techno comes downstairs we all sit at the table and eat our food in a comfortable silence

Third person POV

After their done eating they all clean up they're dishes and then go sit in the living room. Phil and Wilbur are sitting on the couch Tommy's sitting on the floor in front of them and technos sitting on the chair to the side they are watching some show (what ever you want idc) when Phil says something

Philza POV

We're all watching tv when an idea pops into my brain "hey we should go see an out door movie tonight" they all look at me for a second before they say something "that sounds like fun!" Tommy says excitedly Wilbur and techno both agree so I get four tickets for us to go see a movie tonight.

*Time skip*

Third person POV

They are all upstairs getting ready Phil comes down where if a light green t-shirt with a black jacket over it and some blue jeans. Wilbur comes out wherein a white t-shirt with a yellow sweater over it and some black pants. Techno and Tommy are both just wherein a sweatshirt Tommy's is red technos is a magenta color. Soon their all ready and begin their journey to the movies

Techno POV

Im sitting in the front passenger seat dads driving the car yes I call him dad fuck off Tommy and Wilbur are in the back arguing over something I'm not paying attention. Soon we make it to the movies we drive out car up giving the people our tickets then we park the car so the trunk is facing the screen we get up and out of the car to set up the trunk.

Third person POV
(jeez I'm going back and forth between povs a lot)

They set up everything g before the movie starts techno and Phil are in the trunk sitting on some blankets and Wilbur and tommy are on the ground below them also sitting on some blankets.
Soon enough the movie starts and they get comfortable. Techno has his head on Phil's shoulder both of them extremely relaxed. Tommy and Wilbur are sitting on the ground Tommy's gaze is fixated on the large screen the movie is playing on and Wilbur's is too.

*time skip*

About an hour and a half the movie is over techno is half asleep his head still on Phil's shoulder Wilbur and Tommy both still very much awake. They grab everything and put it back in the car and drive back home just relaxing the rest of the night having a fun time.

767 words

I got really lazy at the end sry

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