Cabin vacation prt 2

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Woohooooo I'm finally doing a part two yayyyyy!


"Techno help Tommy's being annoying!" Wilbur yelled as techno came into the living room. "What's he doing now?" "ME GUSTA BITCHES" they heard as Tommy came running in and out of the room followed by Ranboo and tubbo who were trying to calm him down. "TOMMY CALM DOWN" they faintly heard from Ranboo in the kitchen. "See their being annoying" Wilbur said obviously angry "oh calm down ya big baby" techno said as he sat next to Wilbur on the couch.

They sat there for a while watching tv as the minors came running in and out of rooms and the house for about and hour until finally they stopped yelling. Actually they were gone they ran outside and haven't come back yet. "Hey Phil where are the children?" Wilbur asked as they came outside to Phil making a fire "hm? Oh actually I don't know they just left and I haven't seen them since" just as he said that they heard yelling coming from the lake so quickly they ran over.

Once they made it to the lake they looked around until techno spotted something "hey guys what is that?" He said pointing to multiple moving figure in the distance. Once they got a closer look they were shocked. It was the children on a paddle boat in the middle of the lake yelling and paddling around "HEY BOYS WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE?" Phil yelled to them they turned around and spotted them and yelled back "WE FOUND A BOAT AND HAVE BEEN WONDERING AROUND FOR A WHILE" Ranboo yelled back "YEAH AND WE FOUND A FISH" Tommy yelled after.

Time skip

The children had come back with two fish a piece of drift wood and some small sticks. "Why did you bring all this back?" Phil asked "because it looked cool duh" Tommy said.

The minors soon after left again and then came back with three more fish and two more pieces of drift wood one being extremely large and had to be dragged out of the water. They also came back with some other stuff... like a rusted old bell that smelled of dog shit and a beaten up old baseball bat that had slights stains of red on it.

Long story short don't give the children the ability to travel over water... it won't do good things.

403 words

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