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3rd person POV

Technos walking home from going to the village to check up on the villagers and trade somethings. He left Phil at home as Ranboo had left that morning to go mining and hasn't come back yet. Techno comes inside to silence not that he wasn't expecting it just he was still so used to Tommy being around that it kind of startled him.

He headed upstairs and say something he didn't wish to see. He say Phil curled up in a ball on the bed shaking and crying. "Phil!" Techno said loudly. Phil looked up at his piglin son and said "techno?" "Are you ok?!?" "Y-yea I'm fine don't worry" "I don't believe you" techno said as he walked over to Phil. He was never the best at comforting people with words the only way he knows how to is by touch so he grabs Phil and embraces him in a tight hug. Phil was startled by the sudden movement but stayed in the hug crying into technos shoulder. After a while he started to calm down. His breathing got better and he stopped crying. "Now can you tell me why you were crying?" Techno said in a calming voice "I just remembered when I killed Wilbur and it brought back all those awful memories" "oh. Well then" techno just keeps hugging Phil until Phil let's go. "Are you ok now?" "Yeah I'm fine" "ok".

Phil and techno go downstairs and talk while waiting for Ranboo to come home from mining. A little while later he comes back with tooooons of stuff including emeralds. He's really proud of himself and his hard work too.

278 words

That was really short wow I'll probably make another thing tonight tho cause sleep is for the weak

Also fun fact about emotions that I for some reason know

Emotions only last for about 90 seconds but if you keep feeding them they will last longer

I have no clue on why or how I know that I just do

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