Blood god

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Technoblade.... the blood god... supposedly from the world above but acts like he's from the one below. He came to earth about two months ago and since then everywhere he goes turns to complete chaos. Plenty of people have tried to kill him but none of them have succeeded and his rein of terror goes on.

Everywhere in every kingdom he has ever gone to he kills almost all of the people who live there always making sure to kill the king, queen, and their offspring first. Every kingdom has sent their strongest men to to kill him but so far none have succeeded and all accept one have died. The one person who didn't die was from the kingdom of vertial one of the strongest kingdoms in the world. He came back with bad and good news. The bad news was that all of the other men who went had died. And the good news was that they now knew what he looked like which made it easier to find him.

One beautiful sunny Thursday three stupid teenagers were planning to go find and kill the blood god. A young blonde boy named Tommy, a brunette boy named tubbo, and a enderman hybrid named Ranboo. "Cmon let's go!" "Wait up Tommy we have to make sure we have everything we need otherwise we might die" "oh cmon tubbo let's just go!" "One second.... ok let's go now!" "Awesome" and with that the three children set off into the woods and to the place that they thought he would be. The description they got of him wasn't very detailed but there was one key thing that would set him apart from everyone else. The blood god had pink hair. That one fact alone would make it a lot easier to find him as not many people have pink hair.

They had been wandering around the forest when they saw it. A flask of pink hair. They started towards where they say it and they found him... the blood god Technoblade. "Hey you!" Tommy yelled as loud as he could "come here and fight us!" They blood god turned around to face the three teens. "Why do you want to fight me? Do you possibly think three teenagers could beat me?" "Yes we do!" Ranboo yelled back "alright then let's fight" and without another word he charged at them faster than they were expecting. Ranboo was the first to react as he sent a ball of his magic towards him but the blood god was able to dodge it.

They had been fighting for only 10 minutes but the group of three were almost dead and were badly injured. Ranboo was the worst as techno had gone after him the most as he was the strongest with magic. Tommy was also badly hurt as he was only good at close range battle. The three of them ran away and techno didn't stop them. He wanted them to tell others about what he looked like he wanted more people to fight he wanted more blood. Once they were far enough away from techno tubbo started healing them all. It took a while but once they were healed enough they made their way back to the kingdom and told everyone what had happened. They to,d them exactly what he looked like and where they saw him last and where it looked he was going. Because of this brave action they were given a prize of money and if they wanted a job as a knight for the castle.

620 words

Ayyyyyyyy I'm back! Hope this was good I had it in my drafts for a long tim wand just finished it today

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