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Mentions of self harm


Scars.. some people find them beautiful and others find them disgusting. Some people have a lot of scars some have none. But one thing that all people have in common with scars is memories. Everyone has memories from which the scars came from. The scars are ways to remember things that maybe you do and maybe you don't want to remember. But they're there and you have to acknowledge them at some point.


Techno was a rowdy child. Always running around getting himself hurt. He had a lot of scars. Some from childhood play. Others from childhood trauma.

One of his most noticeable scars is the one that goes right across his face. From his left eyebrow to his right cheek. He got it from a duel he got in in which he was fighting one of the strongest knights from the kingdom he happened to be in. The fight was going normal when the knights played a dirty trick and ended up cutting techno right across his face.

He has lots of little thin scars tracing across his wrists and ankles. Those are from self harm. When he was younger like many others he went through a depression. A depression that left great trauma and life lessons for him. A depression that made him look at the world a little different than what he did before. A depression that had he not gone through he would not be the man he was today.

He has many chaotic scars that are all across his body. Those scars are from the brutal beatings he used to get from his father. At least once every week his parents would fight and once they were done his dad would come and beat him until he could not move, think, or speak. He has around twenty scars probably more just from this. Both mental and physical.

He has many mental scars that still stick with him. From his parents harsh words. From the words he used to tell himself. And even all the trauma from being through wars with himself and other people.

Techno has many scars probably more than he should. He is not deserving of a lot of them. And a lot of them are not deserving of him.

Even though he has so many scars. It will never stop him from becoming a great person.

All of these scars are life lessons. All of these scars are memories. And with these scars he will be able to help so many more and will be able to overcome so much more than he ever thought he ever could.

And the scars that are still haunting him... he has some help with those.

459 words

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