No where to be found

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This will be a multiple part story

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Phil's POV

Ughhh geez why does my back hurt so much. I sit up and open my eyes and look around. Where am l?!? It's so dark and it looks like I'm in the middle of a valley. I get up and I hear something. I look behind me and see a long black figure crawling close to the ground and coming at me fast. I dodge it and it immediately turns to come back at me. This time when it jumps at me I grab it and throw it as hard as I can to the ground it lays there for a second before turning into a pile of ash.

"HELP" I hear someone yell from far away it sounded like Wilbur! "WILBUR IS THAT YOU?" I yell back after a second he yells back "PHIL?" it is Wilbur "WHERE ARE YOU?" "I DONT KNOW" "OK STAY PUT ILL COME TO YOU" "ALRIGHT" Phil starts to head toward his oldest son.

After awhile of walking he made it he sees Wilbur and Wilbur sees him. They get to each other and then run into the nearest building they see. It's pretty worn down but it'll have to do. They go inside and sit down. "What are those creatures outside?" "You found one too?" "Yeah it tried to attack me that's why I yelled help" "same one came up and tried to attack me but I killed it I think" "do you think Tommy and techno are here too?" "I hope not but if they are they have probably found each other too" "yeah probably"

Nobody's POV

And Phil was right. Techno and Tommy both woke up in the same place they did and had already found each other but things weren't going well for them.

Techno POV

Me and Tommy woke up in a strange building we woke up in different places in the building but of course we had found each other. "Where do you think we are tech?" "I don't know Tommy" we had been running from somethings. Two black creatures were following us throughout the building which seemed to be an apartment complex. After a while of running we found a apartment that was open and went inside and locked the door and windows. We didn't know if they could even make it to the windows but we wanted to be safe just in case. The banging had stoped and we made a plan. "Ok let's go out there and run. Run out of the building and into the valley that's across the street" I said to Tommy "ok" we picked up a few things from the apartment and put them in a backpack we found. We had food, drinks, and weapons all we were able to find were some knifes but we sharpened them and were both skilled in using knifes so we should be fine.

We went outside and ran. Ran as fast as we could go. We heard loud footsteps from behind us but we didn't care we just needed to get out of there. After about 5 minutes of running we were out the building and in the valley. "Phew we made it" Tommy said in relief "yeah" we both sat down and drank a small bit of water as we didn't have much. "Do you think that Wilbur or Phil is here too?" "Maybe but their fine they are both strong so let's worry about us first and us finding them" "ok". We sat down for a while but then we heard footsteps.oh god not another of those stupid creatures. We turned around and yep we saw another creature head toward us. I grabbed my knife from my pocket and as it jumped up to grab me I cut it open. It fell to the ground and became a pile of ash's.

We got back up and headed in a direction I couldn't tell what direction we were heading in as there was no sun and no moon to tell by.

We headed in that direction for a while it led us through the woods and once we made it out we saw another building. This one was small and worn down but it wouldn't hurt to check it out. We got closer but stopped we both heard shuffling coming from inside. We quietly went to the door and bust it open ready for something to charge at us and something did just not what we were expecting. It was Wilbur. He came charging at us full speed we both moved out of the way and he ran right past us. "Techno?!? Tommy?!?" Phil said inside the building still "hey"

Techno and Tommy were both tired and were also a little hurt. They had both been attacked and caught of guard which caused them to get hurt. It wasn't anything bad just some scratches. They sat down and let the two sleep while Phil and Wilbur talked and stayed on guard duty.

Phil POV

Techno and Tommy were asleep and it looked like they needed it so we let them sleep. We don't know what happened to them but it must've been bad if it tired them out like this.

Time skip

It's morning and we're all awake Tommy had a backpack on that had food in it that they apparently found in the apartment building they woke up in. They told us that they were chased by two of those creatures around the giant building until they were able to find a apartment that was unlocked and hid in there for a while. It's been a day and the sun still hasn't come up neither has the moon we're all confused on where we are and how we got here but we've managed to survive this long so we'll keep going.

We all headed out we were going to go find a city or village or something so we could find more food water and hopefully weapons. We had been walking for about half an hour when it started. Loud church bells were ringing from somewhere we thought we must've found a town but we were wrong. After investigating we realized something... the bells were coming from the sky. We ran as fast as we could but it didn't get any quieter. We ran until we found a run down town and ran to it. We all went to different houses and grabbed only items we needed like, food, water, and clothes. We met back up in the middle of town and sorted things out. We all had a backpack now and we all had only specific in our backpacks. Techno had weapons in his of course, Tommy was carrying all of the clothes. Wilbur was carrying the water, and I was carrying the food.

We were ready and we set off again... I wish we didn't then none of this would have happened...

1167 words

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