Soft hair

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Haha I did it!


"Techno you have such soft hair!" Wilbur said loudly while techno sat on the floor in the living room. Wilbur was playing with technos hair making Tommy quite jealous as he pouted in the corner.

Wilbur was styling technos long soft hair into braids and putting together with pins and hair ties.

"Can I do it next?!?" Tommy asked as Wilbur started to finish. "Yeah sure" techno said to the boy to which he quickly got up and ran over shoving Wilbur out of the way. "MY TURN NOW!" he yelled loudly as Wilbur landed on the floor. "HEY WHAT WAS THAT F-" "STOP YELLING OUT THERE" Phil interrupted Wilbur so he gave up and poured on the couch like Tommy.

Tommy grabbed all the pins and put technos hair in an ugly but extravagant hairstyle that techno took out soon much to Tommy's dismay.

'Ah good memories' Phil thought as he and techno were sitting in their living room in silence.

All of a sudden Ranboo bursted through the door making techno look up from his book. As the teen came closer they could hear him mumbling incoherent sentences as he panicked. Techno quickly got up and grabbed the boy and set him down on his couch putting his head in his lap.

Ranboo very quickly fell asleep as did the other two men in the room.

When they woke up they decided not to ask about it for a while so Ranboo wouldn't panic again.

Time skip

As Ranboo sat on the couch with techno as he read he noticed something. "Techno your hair looks really fluffy" he accidentally said out loud. "Oh sorry didn't mean to say that" "it's fine kid I don't mind" "oh well ummm" Ranboo took a deep breath "can I touch you hair?" He asked hesitantly. Techno looked at him and smiled "yeah sure"

Ranboo s face changed into one of pure excitement as he got up and went behind techno. He grabbed some hair ties and pins from the bathroom first and then started on technos hair.

By the time he was done technos hair looked awesome. It was braided in so many ways it look very nice. "Thanks Ranboo I needed to do something with it anyway" "yeah no problem!"

Words: 389

I really enjoyed that

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