Platonic lovers

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Tubbo and Ranboos marriage gives so much serotonin so here ya go take some too!


Ranboo and tubbo were upstairs with their son micheal. "Awwww he's so cute!" Tubbo said looking at micheal. "He isss" Ranboo replied.

After hanging out with micheal for a while they left as they made plans to go somewhere. Actually Ranboo didn't know where they were going Tubbo just said he wanted to bring him somewhere.

As they walked through the forest Ranboo was looking around his curiosity getting the better of him. He was trying to firgure out where they were and if he had ever been there before.

"We're here!" Tubbo pulled Ranboo into a small clearing with no trees just a beautiful flat landscape with flowers everywhere. "Awwww Tubbo it's so pretty!" "Thank you! I found this place a while ago it's a random spot where it never rains or snows or anything." "Really?" "Yup so go ahead and take off your armor you can relax for once." "Thank you Tubbo!" The Ranboo says as he hugs the smaller boy.

Ranboo and tubbo take off their armor and find a place in the middle of the field to lay down and relax.

They had been there for over two hours and they were both asleep cuddling.


I'm kind so take this too (this is actually some angst so yea)


Ranboo was doing it again. He was crying. He thought he trained himself not too but apparently not.

The reason why he try's to train himself to not cry is because his tears hurt. They actualyy hurt him the tears are water and when water touches him it burns him.

He was alone and sad and he tried so hard as to not cry but it didn't work he cried anyway and he now had burns on his cheeks which hurt so it made min cry more. Needless to say he was stuck in a cycle of pain.

Luckily Tubbo found him. Tubbo was one of the few people who had the ability to get him to stop crying.

"Shhh shhh calm down" he heard randomly he looked up and there he was Tubbo holding onto him and calming him down. He quickly grabbed onto Tubbo and just held him as he whispered words of comfort into his ear.

They sat like that until Ranboo was calm. They then walked home and spent the rest of the day relaxing together as they both needed it.

414 words

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