Ch70 - Attack on Edge Pt. 2

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Barret's robotic arm reached for Denzel's shoulder. He pressed the buttons that Hester had instructed him and the weaponry systems of the robotic arm were switched on. Barret smirked and he turned his advanced gun towards the Bahamut that roared wildly in their direction. He shot at it a powerful green blast and he made it fall back.

"You look after, momma!" Barret said at Denzel who fended away and grabbed hold on Tifa. Barret shot a few more bullets at the beast before he turned at Tifa "Marlene better be safe, huh?" and then he hurried over the beast that started shrieking after a Shuriken crashed on its face and flew back to its owner.

Yuffie -finally eighteen years old- slipped down a rope that came from an airship above them. Her hand reached up and received her Shuriken that came her way. Her hand clamped on her mouth, trying not to puke. Flying all the way from Wutai to Edge -not to mention that clumsy landing- wasn't doing anything to ease her sensitive stomach. She rolled the Shuriken skilfully between her fingers as she took a look at the Bahamut. She recognized it immediately and she groaned irritatingly. She turned at Tifa.

"Alright, who's been touching my Materia?!"

"The bad guys, naturally," Tifa said, and she couldn't keep back that smile that had started forming on her lips. Yuffie let out a cry of irritation before joining Barret. It felt so good seeing all of the team again.

Red came running towards Barret, with Cait Sith on his back. He launched on top of the Bahamut's face and Cait Sith started shouting frightened "We cannot handle this!"

The moment he stepped foot on the streets of Edge, there were people running around in panic, hastily, bumping onto each other. There was chaos in the streets. Vincent followed it back to the Meteorfall Monument that rested no further away from Seventh Heaven. And that was where he saw what caused all that commotion. A Bahamut. He had no doubt that the Remnants had something to do about it.

The children were standing in a circle. Their eyes, a piercing cat-green. It was the children that he was planning to save back in the Forgotten City. He'd left the Forgotten City, to buy a phone from the closest town that he knew of. Edge. He had walked all the way. It wasn't that far. Distances weren't doing much to tire him. He had endured so much worse.

Then the beast landed on the Monument and started digging. It was searching for something. It was simply obeying the orders of its Master, one of the Remnants. Kadaj perhaps. The other two were engaged in a fight with the other two Turks. They were doing a pretty good job to keep them both busy.

And then he heard the cry of a child. He recognized it, even though it's been a while. Vincent turned around, slipping his gaze from all the chaos that took place around him, and he spotted the young boy shouting frightened at the Bahamut. Tifa's hands were on his shoulders.

Vincent's hand immediately reached for Death Penalty that rested in its case by his left thigh. But then he felt the shadow of something in the air. He recognized the familiar tireless buzzing of an airship's engine. He'd learned the sound too well back in those months that they spent traveling the world on the Highwind.

Vincent looked up and saw a similar-looking airship, but far more advanced. He felt a pat on his shoulder and he turned around. He fought a smile that reached his lips once Cid's hand reached for the finished cigar that he had trapped between lips. He threw it on the pavement and stepped on it with his boot.

"Good to see ya, Vinnie! It'd be nice if ya called once or twice a year, ya know," Cid said as he walked towards Tifa.

Vincent frowned. I have no phone.

"She's a beaut! My Shera! The latest model!" Cid pointed upwards at the airship that was standing above them in the air. His hand reached back for his spear "I'll give you the grand tour afterward!" He said at Tifa before he hurried towards the Bahamut, joining the fight with Barret, Red, Yuffie and Cait Sith.

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