Ch94 - The Nightmare is Over

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Everything was going to be fine. The team was taken back to Mideel's Clinic where the Doctors took care of their wounds. No one had any serious injuries, and they should be exiting the Hospital in a few days' time. Jocasta had bandages around her belly where her wound slowly healed itself, and Vincent had a bandage around his arm. He had a wide cut there, and since there was no demon in his body anymore the wound would heal normally.

Reeve had sent a truck to pick up Hester and the bottles with the self-healing serum, and bring them to Mideel's Clinic. The only reason they went there, was because it was closer than the WRO HQ and some WRO soldiers had urgent cases that needed to be taken care of.

Vincent had taken off the black leather shirt. He had picked up his sleeve of the other thinner black shirt that he wore beneath, and the bandages covered his forearm, tied around his hand. He had cuts and bruises that had been taken care of and so had Jocasta and the rest of the team. The two were put in the same room after a little bit of convincing that came from Cid to the nurses.

Jocasta had taken off all that leather too. She was given some much more comfortable pants and shirt, a light gray outfit, but comfortable, without applying any pressure on the wound on her belly. Her bruises and the cuts were taken care of as well, and now she laid on her own Hospital bed. The team were given their rooms and the treatment, and now they were all resting. They had earned. More than earned it.

She explained Vincent that vision that she had with Aerith. She explained how she was able to come back. She was so grateful for it, she couldn't even express how content she was.

She felt Vincent's weight pressing on her mattress as he sat beside her and she turned her head and smiled at him. He had taken off his bandana. He had taken off his gauntlet and his left arm was only left with that black glove, that still covered whatever he was hiding beneath. She noted to herself to ask him about it some other time.

But for now, his right, bandaged arm reached for hers and hers responded immediately. She let her fingers sink in his, and her eyes rest on his as he smiled down at her.

"How're you feeling?" Vincent asked with a smile. He hadn't stopped smiling ever since she'd come back.

"I've never been happier, Vince," She said with a tiny giggle that made his heart flutter.

He chuckled at the nickname. His hand reached for her hair, pulling a pale-brown strand away from her forehead and she smiled. His hand landed on her cheek and she leaned against it. Her hand supported his on her cheek and she turned and pressed a kiss on his bandaged hand.

He was almost swelling in happiness. Watching her being happy, watching that magnificent smile on her lips, watching her cheeks, her eyes, staring up at him with all that affection. Love. He leaned in and pressed a kiss on her forehead.

"I want to hold you," His breath brushed against her forehead, as he pulled back to look at her, waiting for permission.

"Hold me then, Mr. Valentine," she giggled and he lied beside her right away.

He slipped beneath the bed sheets and lied beside her. She shifted her body closer to his with a tiny wince.

"Careful," he said worriedly but she looked up and gave him a smile that wiped all worries away.

"I'm alright," She pressed a kiss on his chest and she pressed her palms flat against it.

His hands slipped around her. She felt his fingers sneaking beneath her shirt, and touching the bandages that were tied around her torso. She shivered when his fingers found her skin on her back and he traced it. She closed her eyes, sighing as she pressed her cheek against his chest. She felt his cheek pressing against her hair. He pressed another kiss on top of her hair, and his hands brought her a little bit closer.

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