Ch9 - Goodbye

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The wind brushed warm against her body, penetrating her clothes. Jocasta closed her eyes for a moment. The house rested only a few meters away. The shade of the tree protected them from the sun's treacherous sunshine. Jocasta took a deep breath, filling her nostrils with the scent of spring. The scent of flowers that bloomed and the grass beneath them.

Despite the sadness of Vincent's departure that was to come in the afternoon, Jocasta felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She had finally delivered her resignation and quit working for Shinra. No more experiments, no more restless nights, no more anguish. She was planning on staying on Nibelheim for a while and work on the local hospital. She loved the countryside. She'd try to stay away from Midgar for as long as she could.

Vincent had a frown on his face as he sat beside her on the grass. His hand rested on his knee as he stared at the distance. Jocasta assumed that that frown was probably caused by their little picnic. He used to have such picnics with Lucrecia under that very same tree.

"Lighten up, Vince, this is our last day," Jocasta said as she turned and looked at him, giving him a smile, trying to catch his attention.

He sighed "I know,"

Then another small moment of silence passed by. His thoughts were so loud in his head. Jocasta could practically hear them "So... what's next for you?" she asked.

"A few missions to take care of in Midgar," he replied dryly.

"I see," Jocasta nodded as she turned her attention back at the fields that spread in the distance.

"What about you?" Vincent asked.

"I think I'm gonna stay here a while. I like this village," Jocasta answered.

Both turned and looked at each other for a brief awkward moment. Vincent's gaze drifted on the soft grass. When he joined to become a Turk, he knew what he was getting himself into. There was just no time. Apart from all the missions, there was a lot of paperwork to be taken care of. He doubted that they'll ever be seeing each other again.

Then the helicopter came and landed no further away, but it did catch both their attention. Jocasta frowned. "It came earlier than expected,"

Vincent got up and started walking towards it, his bag with his belongings hung from his one hand. "I have something to take care of, first," he said, his voice cold, almost angry.

They both approached the helicopter. Jocasta's mind couldn't help but wander to the worst. Take care of what? "I hope it's not something stupid," she said as she walked alongside him.

Vincent chuckled bitterly "It probably is," he admitted. Once they reached close to the helicopter that waited for him, Jocasta placed a hand on his shoulder making him turn around and face her.

"Be careful, will you?" She said smiling up at him.

Vincent nodded and he lent his hand over for a handshake "It was nice working with you, Dr. Ernchester," he said formally.

She shook his hand "Likewise, Mr. Valentine," she said giving him a smile.

Vincent did his best to smile back, before he turned around and started walking away towards the helicopter that would take him back to Midgar. Jocasta heaved a sigh as she wrapped her hands around her waist and watched him leave.

She bit her lip. She didn't know why she so much hated to watch him leave. Maybe it was the loneliness that was gonna follow in the next days. Or maybe it was that she'd have no one to tease. No one to talk to. Jocasta shook her head. She knew she should've dealt with loneliness a long time ago. When Tedric died. But now she had a bad feeling that this might have been the last time she'd see him.

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