Ch37 - Back to Mideel

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Jocasta's eyes snapped open at the sound of somebody banging on their door loudly. She frowned as she recognized the voice immediately. Cid.

"You two lovebirds done smoochin'?! Get the fuck up! We gotta get a move on, dammit!" And then his footsteps echoed down the hall outside as he walked away.

Jocasta rolled her eyes, and then she turned her attention back at Vincent. They'd slept in the very same position all night, letting her know that they were indeed exhausted. But now she felt fresh and almost full of sleep. She had slept so much those few days she was with Vincent. So much she hadn't slept the entire thirty years she'd spent on her own.

She smiled when she realized he was still sleeping. His pale face was so peaceful as soft. Barely audible, little snores escaped his nose. Her hand reached for his face and she pressed a soft kiss on his lips in an attempt to wake him up. His eyes opened and he looked at her. He almost smiled when his right hand reached for her cheek.

"Good morning," She said softly.

"Good morning, Jocasta," he said back but his attention fell back on the door, as another series of bangs came.

"Seriously, guys! Highwind's waitin'!" Now that was Barret's voice.

"Uhh..." Vincent parted his lips to speak but Jocasta broke in.

"We're coming!"

She pulled away and stood up. He stood up as well and set off to tie that bandana around his head and buckle up that leather shirt. He settled Cerberus and Death Penalty over their cases around his belt. He turned around and watched her while she settled her own daggers beneath her sleeves, and her Sais in cases around her own waist.

He hadn't asked her how she'd learned using these. He didn't even know how she knew how to fight in the first place. But he guessed, thirty years were enough to learn fighting, even for a woman that was once a scientist and wasn't familiar to combat at all. It was still surprising that she was good at it.

Vincent shook his head, shaking the thought away, realizing that he'd drifted off. A habit of his that occurred quite frequently. His hand reached for his cloak on the chair he'd left it last night, but Jocasta was already behind him. She lifted herself on her tiptoes so that she could reach him and pass the collar of his cloak around his neck. He turned around to face her and he watched her as she buckled the straps of his cloak over his chest. She had that focused expression on her delicate face as her fingers skillfully finished and she looked up at him. Grey eyes met his.

"We should get going," She said.

Vincent nodded and she grabbed her bag. He followed her out of the room where Barret and Cid were waiting impatiently.

"AH! Fuckin' finally!" Barret cried out.

"You guys, found SOME HOUR to make out!" Cid cried out.

"We weren't making out," Jocasta said, trying to keep the expression on her face ice-cold.

"Oh really-?!"

Vincent cut Cid "Have you contacted Yuffie?" he asked snapping them out of the awkward subject.

"Yeah! The kid made it! We'll be pickin' them up on our way to Mideel," Cid said as he turned around and he followed Barret down the hall "Let's go!"


Yuffie, Cait Sith and Red had indeed made it, much to everybody's surprise. They picked the three from Fort Condor and Cid set course for Mideel. Jocasta was going to ask Alford if he could lend her the Hospital's Microbiological Lab. She wanted to create a bit more of that serum of hers because she had a feeling, she was going to need it.

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