Ch31 - The Highwind

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Getting Yuffie to stop puking, involved a high dosage of bismuth subsalicylate to stop the discomfort on the young girl's stomach. Yuffie let out a deep sigh of relief as she relaxed back in her chair. They were in the kitchen of the Highwind. It had a middle-sized fridge standing beside the counter, where the sink rested with a few shelves above.

Jocasta placed the medications back on the shelf above her head and she turned around, seeing Tifa brewing some water for tea. Jocasta pressed her hips back against the counter, as she turned at Yuffie.

"How are you feeling, kid?" She asked, crossing her arms against her chest.

"You ROCK as a doctor, I gotta tell ya!" Yuffie said as she jumped off her chair. Sitting on a chair for more than ten minutes would be too much restraint for an energetic kid like Yuffie. She walked towards them "Thank you, dramaqueen," she bumped Jocasta's shoulder with her elbow and she gave her a grateful smile.

Jocasta grinned "Well you would be thanking me by not calling me a dramaqueen,"

"No can do! You are one!" Yuffie turned at Tifa "Hey, Teefs, isn't Joe a dramaqueen?!"

Tifa laughed as she took out the teabags "Maybe-"



"-but, it's not nice to tease her about it," Tifa finished.

"See? Told ya! Even old man Cid agrees," Yuffie said completely ignoring what Tifa had just said.

"Well I've been through a lot, kiddo," Jocasta grinned.

"Pfft- How old are ya?" Yuffie asked as she grabbed the mug of steaming tea that Tifa handed her, and she took a sip.

"Fifty-six I think?" Jocasta said unsurely, but before she had the chance to further calculate it, Yuffie spit out the mouthful of tea she'd sipped.

"FIFTY-SIX?!" The Wutaian cried out surprised. "You fuckin' look twenty!"

"Language!" Tifa smacked Yuffie's shoulder and Yuffie let out an irritated ouch.

"Twenty-six," Jocasta corrected her "But beware your language, kid,"

"I'm old enough to swear!" Yuffie protested.

"Not on my watch, Yuf," Tifa said poking a finger on the young girl's shoulder. Then she turned her attention back at Jocasta "So, how's that possible?"

Jocasta sighed "I stopped aging when I-" and then she pursed her lips before she said anything further. "-when Hojo started experimenting on me," she sighed "Same goes for Vincent too," she added.

"How did you and vamps already know each other? Ooh- Is he your boyfriend???" Yuffie asked winking at Jocasta who shot her a deadly look at the question. Tifa smacked her shoulder again.


"What! I'm just curious! I ain't asking 'cause of the bet or anything- Whoops!" a hand found her mouth immediately and she turned terrified at Jocasta's deadly look.

Tifa scoffed "You guys are betting?!"

"On us?!" Jocasta added.

"Look, girls, there are two ships here. One's Tifa and Cloud, which I personally don't think it's gonna work out, and the other it's dramaqueen and Vincent-" Yuffie tried to say but Jocasta cut her.

"Listen, kid, Vincent, and I are just friends. His mind's elsewhere, so let us fuckin' be," Jocasta poked a finger on Yuffie's shoulder before she turned around and stormed out of the room.

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