Ch5 - Unfortunate Events

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It didn't take more than a few weeks when the news came up. It came with a ring on her phone while she was washing her hands right before another surgery. Jocasta sighed. If she was to grab her phone now, she'd have to wash her hands again. The safety measures, when it came to preventing infection, should be followed by the letter.

Nevertheless, with a few curses under her breath, Jocasta took off the gloves she'd just started putting on, and she turned to grab her back that hung from the nearby coat stand. She opened her phone and she grinned when she saw that it was actually Lucrecia calling her.

Lucrecia had distanced herself away from both Jocasta and Vincent. Believe it or not, it wasn't such a usual incidence whenever she'd call. Of course, Vincent wasn't much into talking to her. He wasn't angry, he was sad and depressed. It took quite an effort to at least make him crack a smile throughout the day.

Jocasta shook her head and she pressed the buttons placing the phone by her ear. "Hey, Lucy, how're you doing?"

"I'm fine! Actually, more than fine! I have some incredible news!"

"Alright then, make it quick 'cause I got an operation," Jocasta said. Not in her kindest of moods. She placed a hand on her waist and waited impatiently.

"I'm pregnant!"

The last thing Jocasta knew was that her eyes widened, her impatient thoughts turned into surprised ones, and she instantly forgot what kind of operation she had to do. Her blood ran hot in her ears as she took a moment to process that. What would that mean for Vincent? The first thought that struck her mind.

She was starting to imagine that painful expression on Vincent's face whenever his mind would inevitably lead him to thoughts of Lucrecia.


She heard the sound coming from her phone and only then did she realize that she'd dropped it. She didn't care the least if the phone's screen had broken when she bowed down and picked it up from the whitish marble floor. Well, from the looks of it, it hadn't broken when she placed it back over her ear.

Jocasta cleared her throat "That is... great news," she said, swallowing down that lump that gathered in her throat.

"Joe, are you alright?"

Of course, Lucrecia would notice that something was off about the way Jocasta said that. Maybe they didn't share the same blood, but they'd grown up under the same roof.

"I'm fine, I'm just... uhhh..." Jocasta knew she should try harder to conceal her surprise and the pit in her stomach at the very thought of Vincent's reaction to it. She didn't want to see him get hurt. Lucrecia marrying another guy was one thing, but carrying that other guy's child was another. "...I'm just so excited about it I can't even fathom it!" Jocasta said in the happiest color she could put in her voice. She repeated the words in her mind What the hell am I saying?!

"I know! Isn't it great! Oh, and something else..."

Jocasta cringed mentally there's more to it?!

"Hojo said you should come by when you finish. We wanna talk to you about another experiment we're on. Maybe you can aid us,"

Jocasta pinched the bridge of her nose and rolled her eyes. The last thing she wanted was a scientific conversation with Hojo and Lucrecia. "Alright. I bet I'll be done by six. Does that sound good?"

"Perfect! See you then, Joe!"

"Yeah... see ya," Jocasta ended the call and she let out a deep sigh. "Dammit," She cursed under her breath as she threw the phone back in her bag.

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