Ch18 - Farewell

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The team had set up camp a bit further away from the jungle. Night had arrived pretty quick, and everybody was exhausted. They scooched into their tents, that were not designed to house so many people, but it was something. Vincent and Jocasta, refusing sleep once again, remained outside, sitting on the soil around the campfire.

The flames had started to die out, replaced by ashes, and the only light that was left, was the one of the moon and the stars. And even that was minor, since half the sky was covered behind faint clouds.

Having the Turk around, called for caution. They had decided to keep an eye on him in shifts, even though Aerith didn’t really agree to that. Jocasta grimaced on the thought. The girl looked like she trusted him a great deal. Why? Her back rested against a tree trunk, one knee bent against her chest as her one hand was propped on it while she sharped and cleared the blades of her Sais.

She couldn’t understand what was going on between Aerith and Tseng. He was a Turk, and she was Cetra. For all she knew, Tseng was threat. But he hadn’t tried anything suspicious ever since they decided to let him tag along. She sighed. Cloud had passed out ever since what happened on the Temple. Barret had to carry the young ex-SOLDIER’s body, which shouldn’t weigh more than a feather, especially for somebody as muscular as Barret.

Jocasta tried to check on him. But he wasn’t wounded. There were no expressions of pain on his face which meant that he wasn’t internally wounded either. He was in a fight with his mind and there was nothing she could do about that. Tifa, though, was incredibly worried and tried to stay by his side the longest she could.

Young love. Jocasta frowned. What good has love ever brought to anybody? She pondered on it for a moment, until she realized she hadn’t seen Vincent around. Maybe he’d set off to feed his beast. Wouldn’t he let me know?

Jocasta placed the Sais back in their cases around her waist as she stood up and looked around trying to find him. She started wandering within the forest, making sure she didn’t move much away from the camp.

She walked out of the thick trees and reached a valley, with soft greenery spread like grass. The moon’s light gave the plants a pale-blue color. They were high enough to reach her thighs. Her fingers brushed against them as she took a deep breath, savoring the scent of the greenery drifted by the soft breeze.

Then she felt a hand grabbing hers and pulling her back into the forest. Jocasta nearly yelped in surprise. Her hand found one of her Sais and tried to attack, but she stopped when she realized it was actually Vincent. He pushed her behind a bush. She knelt beside him as she noticed him glancing back at the valley.

“Vincent, what the-”

“You were about to interrupt a moment,” Vincent cut her.

Jocasta raised an eyebrow, before she peeked at whatever Vincent was looking at. She cringed when she saw Tseng and Aerith in the middle of that valley, exchanging a few words. They were too far away to hear what they were saying.

“I hadn’t even noticed they were there,” Jocasta whispered. She turned at Vincent, shooting him a confused look “I don’t suppose you have been staring at them this whole time, did you?”

“I was keeping an eye on Tseng,” Vincent said.

“Yeah well, he’s about to start walking away and I don’t see you stopping him,” Jocasta said.

Both stared at Tseng walking away and Aerith watching. Jocasta’s hand reached back for her arrows. She was planning on shooting one by his shoulder but Vincent placed his hand on her shoulder, stopping her.

“No, let him go,” He said.

“Vincent, he’s a Turk. What if he informs Shinra of our position?” Jocasta asked.

“The Turks have gained some independency over the President. It’s not the same as it was back in our time, Jocasta,” Vincent eyed her “Veld trusted Tseng enough to make him head of the Turks. I trust he won’t talk,”

Jocasta sighed as she placed the arrow back in her quiver “Alright. I trust your judgement,”

She turned her attention back at Aerith. Tseng’s figure had started fading in the distance as he walked further away. Aerith had her bag and her staff thrown by her shoulder as if she too was about to start walking away, taking her own path. Jocasta cursed as she stood up and hurried towards her. This time Vincent didn’t stop her. Jocasta reached the girl. Aerith noticed her being there. She turned around and gave Jocasta a weak smile.

“Where do you think you’re going, young lady?” Jocasta asked placing a hand on her waist.

Aerith chuckled “I need to fix this. Make things right,” she said.

“Indeed. That’s why we’re all here. To help you. But we won’t be able to do that if you’re gone,” Jocasta said.

“No,” Aerith shook her head. A sad expression caught her face “Only a Cetra can defeat Sephiroth now. I can’t let you. I can’t let any of you risk your lives,”

Jocasta took Aerith’s hand in both hers, making sure she had the girl’s full attention “Aerith, we want to risk our lives. We want to be here. Please, Aerith…” she sucked in a deep breath “…I risked everything to keep you and your mom safe. I know I failed then, but I won’t fail now,” I can’t.

Aerith’s green eyes met hers, a hand found Jocasta’s shoulder “You never failed me, or my mom, Jocasta. But this is a journey I need to take on my own,” Aerith said as she turned around and glanced at the direction the Planet was guiding her to “The Planet wants me to get to the City of the Ancients. The Forgotten City,” she said. She turned at Jocasta “You know where that is,”

Jocasta nodded. She did know the Forgotten City. Frequently, mentioned in the scriptures of the Ancients Lucrecia was studying almost all the time.

“And what then? Say you reach it. What then?” Jocasta asked.

“I need to stop Meteor,” Aerith said “Only a Cetra can do that,”

Jocasta gritted her teeth as the realization hit her “You’ve got the Holy, don’t you?”  

Aerith chuckled “I should stop being surprised when you know stuff,”

“My sister studied the Cetra more than I did, but I know the basics,” Jocasta admitted shrugging.

“Then you know this is a journey I need to take alone,” Aerith said.

Jocasta sighed. She didn’t like the idea of it, but Aerith was right. She raised her hands in defeat “Alright. But you better know we’ll be right behind you,”

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