Ch76 - A Wedding, A Disaster Pt. 3

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"Do you think I should just abandon him at the altar?" Shera asked as she tried to muffle her laughter.

Yuffie let out a loud laugh and she gave Shera a friendly hit with her elbow "There's a whole lotta hot boys on the beach if ya wanna go exploring," she suggested and Shera laughed.

"No, and no," Jocasta pointed at both of them who had settled on two chairs outside of the hall. The noise of Tifa playing the harpsichord came from the hall. It was keeping the guests amused for now but Jocasta didn't know how long Tifa could play. "No exploring hot boys on the beach for you, young lady, and no leaving your husband at the altar,"

"He nearly left me!" Shera protested.

"He didn't. There was the car problem. Now, calm down, and try not to scary him too much," Jocasta said.

Yuffie laughed "Oh man! What wouldn't I give to have the old man running and shouting for help,"

"I could record it for you if you want," Shera said and they both laughed amusingly. Jocasta rolled her eyes and shook her head. Kids.

Jocasta looked around, realizing that Sephiroth and Hester weren't there. She began to wonder where they might've been, but then she noticed Cloud, Barret, Reeve and Nanaki rushing into the building.

"Guys!" Jocasta turned at Cloud and Barret. Cloud was wearing a pretty dirty shirt, and he had a pretty messily knotted tie. Jocasta untied it and started fixing it, making a neat knot. She pulled back his black jacket and revealed the oily stains on the shirt that Cloud was wearing.

"What happened to your shirt?" Yuffie asked.

"That's Cid's shirt," Cloud explained.

"No wonder it's bigger," Shera commented and then she pointed a thumb at the entrance of the hall "Is he there?"

Reeve nodded "Yup, the groom and the best man are in position,"

"We'll go grab our seats," Nanaki said. Reeve, Cloud, Barret and Nanaki set off to enter the hall.

"Perfect!" A voice came from behind and Sephiroth with Hester rushed towards the bride, the maid of honor, and Yuffie. Hester was fixing Sephiroth's tie which had loosened for obvious reasons and Yuffie raised an eyebrow.

"What have you two been up to?" Yuffie asked with a mischievous smile on her lips and Hester with Sephiroth both chose to ignore answering that question.

"Shut up, kid, and go tell Tifa to prepare the musicians!" Hester said and Yuffie hurried right away. "Alright, you two start walking down that aisle on my mark, okay?" Hester said looking over at the bride and the maid of honor.

Shera and Jocasta nodded and Hester with Sephiroth entered the hall as well. Jocasta turned at Shera, who seemed nervous. She wasn't that nervous before. Her fingers were messing with the fabric of her white dress as she stared at the entrance of the hall where she knew that everybody was waiting for her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Jocasta asked as she passed a hand around Shera's shoulders.

"You know... when you said earlier that I'll have a life of freedom if I don't get married... You weren't wrong," Shera said "Being bound to someone comes with responsibility. You know?"

Jocasta sighed "It does."

"You were married, weren't you?" Shera asked.

The smile on Jocasta's face faded right away "I was going to, but he was taken from me. And now..." Jocasta turned and looked over the entrance to the room where she knew Vincent was "...I don't think I'll ever get that chance again. Maybe that's why I said that. I often hate things I don't have," she admitted and then she turned her attention back at Shera.

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