Ch42 - Space

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The moment they sneaked into the airport, one of the airplanes had already taken off and a bunch of SOLDIER infantrymen that passed by, had been discussing how it was carrying all the Huge Materias back to Rocket Town. Cid was way too tense upon hearing that Shinra was going to take a bunch of the world's most powerful materias in his hometown.

The team had boarded the Highwind that flew nearby the airplane, taking them back to Rocket Town. Cid was pacing around the bridge of his ship, mumbling stuff to himself. Cloud, Tifa, Barret and Red were talking to each other. Cait was listening through his PHS and Jocasta had just finished giving Yuffie the dosage of antiemetics that she'd need to get through the flight.

Vincent was standing silent by the corner of the room. His back rested against the metallic wall and his hands were crossed against his chest as he waited silently. His eyes were focused on the floor, and all Jocasta could guess, was that he was probably brooding over some long-lost memory again. Jocasta sighed as she turned her attention at Cid who was still pacing around.

"Calm the fuck down, Cid, you aren't helping here," Jocasta said.

"Shut the fuck up, Joe! Those motherfuckin' Shinras ARE GONNA BLOW UP MA FUCKIN' TOWN," Cid cried out.

Jocasta sat straight "They aren't gonna blow up your town. We'll stop them-"

Cid gasped as the realization hit him "Shera! I gotta fuckin' save that gorgeous science bitch who destroyed my dreams! And what if Shinra actually decides to crush ma baby No. 26 with Meteor?! I'MMA HAVE TO SAVE MA BABY TOO!"

Jocasta had to admit that Cid was making a pretty good point. It made sense that Shinra would probably crash the rocket with Meteor but "You aren't actually suggesting that we board the ship that's gonna crash with the fuckin' Meteor, are you?"

"That's suicide," Yuffie said as she entered the bridge of the Highwind "LET'S DO IT!"

"No!" Jocasta said as she shot the sixteen-year-old a look.

"No, you people stay 'ere. No. 26 is ma baby. No ship should go down without her Captain-" Cid tried to say but Cloud cut them.

"If that's the case, then Cid's right. We're gonna have to board on the Shinra Rocket No. 26 and try to stop it," Cloud said.

"Oh c'mon! Spiky, it's ma rocket. Besides, I can't promise ya guys we'll come back in one piece even if I-"

"We're coming with you, Cid," Vincent finally spoke as he stood straight and approached the team.

"Yeah! We're a team! We help each other out," Yuffie said.

Jocasta could have sworn, Cid was about to cry. "Oh, you motherfuckin' incredible assholes, I love you so much,"


When the team reached Rocket Town, the people were in unease, chatting and glancing at the Rocket that rested nearby. A bunch of Shinra trucks were parked around the town's streets. Cid asked around his people, most of his mechanics were in the rocket, trying to put its pieces back together and prepare it for flying.

"Cid!" Shera's voice came from behind, nearby the Captain's house and the team turned around and watched the young Rocket Scientist pulling Cid into tight hug. Cid's hands grabbed tightly around her waist, clutching on her lab-coat, before he pulled back.

"Shera! Are you okay?! No Shinra asshole hurt you, right?!" Cid asked worriedly and Shera gave him a warm smile.

"I'm alright, Cid. But our Rocket won't be..." she pulled back and turned at the Rocket's direction "...Shinra's preparing to load it with Huge Materia and crash it with Meteor. Which a horrible idea, really," she said and she grit her teeth.

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