Ch95 - Happiness At Last

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Three Months Later

She felt the morning breeze brushing gently over her shoulder. She felt a hand around her. Vincent's palm pressed flat on her belly. He had pushed her shirt up, sneaking his hand beneath. His warm fingers spread over her lower abdomen, pressing her back against his bare chest. Their feet were tangled together and she felt his breath hitting on her shoulder.

The morning light penetrated her eyelashes. Jocasta slowly stirred and she looked at the opened window. The sunshine found itself in their room. The curtains were locked in a dance with the breeze. Jocasta felt warm lips pressing a kiss on her shoulder and she smiled. Vincent's fingers tightened around her belly as she turned around supinely, facing him. Vincent stood up on his elbow as he looked down at her with a smile.

She hadn't seen him smiling like that before. Or maybe she had. She just couldn't get used to how beautifully it suited him. She wasn't used to seeing those pale, soft lips quirking up, but she could tell she'd never get enough of that sight. He just smiled down at her. His crimson-brown eyes flickered with love, affection, gratitude. Gratitude that he had this. Grateful that he had her. Somebody who loved him that much.

His hair fell on his shoulders, almost touching her chest. Her hand reached for his face, pulling away the messy dark locks of his silky hair that he didn't seem to want to cut. She didn't want him to cut them either. She wanted nothing but to have her fingers tugging into them and dragging him down close to her.

Her thumb found his cheek. Her warm fingers cupped his face and he didn't close his eyes this time. He was finally getting used to this. He was finally getting used to the soft touch of her fingers. The soft touch of somebody's hand as it brushed on his face. She had touched him with that grace and that care and this love, everywhere. She was his. His because she was the only one who could love him like that. The only one who was willing to accept this body. His body. Touch him, kiss him, accept him the way that he was.

And he knew that she understood him more than anyone else had. She knew the pain that he'd been through. She knew it first-hand. She knew the heartbreaks. She knew him. She had been there with him through the very beginning of this entire ordeal that was now far behind them. He was too blind to see it at first, but now... Now he was seeing clearly. He was looking down at her and he knew he was looking at his second chance. His happiness. The second chance for happiness.

"Vincent...?" He realized he had drifted off again. He turned his attention back at her and his right arm reached for her face pulling a strand of her hair out of the way.


He felt her hand brushing over his left arm. He had stopped wearing the gauntlet ever since the wars ended, but he kept wearing a black glove. It covered his hand till the forearm.

"What's wrong with that arm?" She asked and she saw his smile fading when she asked that question.

"I don't wanna talk about it," Vincent answered vaguely. His right arm let go of her face and reached for her hand that was touching his left one. He caught her wrist gently and pushed her hand away. He lied back down beside her and he hid the left hand beneath his pillow as he rested his cheek on top.

Jocasta turned her body to the side so that she faced his. "Please, whatever it is, I can fix it. Just tell me," she knew it was something too personal, because every time that she'd try to find out, he'd change the conversation and it would worry her even more.

But she still saw him hesitating. She didn't want to push him into doing something he didn't want to. Jocasta just shifted closer to him. Her hand reached for his bare chest. She felt the texture of his scars beneath her fingers and she buried her face in his neck. Both her palms now rested flat on his bare chest and she pressed a kiss on it.

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