Ch92 - The Final Showdown Pt. 5: Hurricane

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She had made it out and she had no idea how she had done it, but she had made it out of Deepground. She just knew from the smell in the air. Gun-powder and boiling blood. She was out in the battlefield. Or at least what was left of it. Bodies. So many of them laid all around. Guns, and debris from airplanes, and ruins. Blood. Burning flesh. Smoke. Fire.

She just knew her head was buzzing and she couldn't hear anything for a minute or two She knew there was a chaos of people fighting, and firing and trying to shut down the Reactors. There was that smoke in the air. Smoke from explosions. Piles of bodies lying on top of each other. It was night. Dark. Darkness everywhere. The moon was full. It brought all the light needed to see around the valley that had become a tomb.

"Jocasta..." She heard somebody calling her name, and she wasn't sure whether it came from the voices inside her head or whether it was actually somebody calling her name. "...Jocasta," then it came louder and that's where she noticed those golden eyes staring down at her.

She recognized those eyes. She recognized that pale skin. Those cracks on the face of a demonic creature. No. That was Vincent in the form of Chaos, but he seemed to be controlling it better than he did while they were in Deepground. He was holding her. She could see the worry in those eyes. Those golden eyes. He was kneeling on the soil, resting her body on his lap. His wings stood on the sides, crimson and sharp.

He had saved her. He was the one who had drawn her out of that cursed place. It was him indeed. Her trembling hand found his cheek and he let out a sigh of relief, leaning against it. He had heard her screams. Her screams were the ones that helped him find her and take her out of the place before it exploded. Sephiroth and Yuffie had run out just in time, but he had to stay back to find her. To save her.

Jocasta winced as she shifted her body to look behind. Omega had awoken. It was standing tall over Midgar, ready to start and fulfill its purpose, and Chaos had been drawn out to serve as a counterbalance. But when she looked at the massive creature, that's when she remembered. She remembered it all.

Vincent's clawed hand reached for her head, pulling her attention away from Omega, and pressing her face against his chest "I'll take care of that," his deep voice reached her ears, soothing. But it made her shut her eyes and struggle to keep the sobs back.

He couldn't take care of that, because even if he did, there would be no difference. Omega would still be alive. Inside of her. And the only way to stop it would be...

Her hand reached for her bag. She drew out the Protomateria and planted it back in that hole that still lingered on his chest. Chaos growled. It moved away from her, letting her kneel back on the soil while she watched him toss and turn before Vincent returned back to himself. He transformed back to himself and he grunted. His fingers clenched painfully around fistfuls of soil.

He noticed her approaching him, crawling towards him, and kneeling beside him. She pulled him into a hug and she let him breathe hard against her shoulder. She felt his hands clenching around her shirt as she buried her face in his shoulder, and for a moment, there were no battle cries, no bombs, no people crashing against each other. There was no war. No Omega, no Chaos, no Hojo. There was nothing but each other. Vincent closed his eyes and breathed her in until he felt her body shaking in his hands. He recognized the sound of her muffled crying and he pulled back. Why was she crying? He needed to know. He needed to know what was wrong.

He pulled back, and his right hand found her cheek. He wiped a rolling tear while she leaned against his hand and wept. It made his heart ache. It made his whole body ache, watching her like this.

"What's wrong?" He asked worriedly. He would do anything to fix it, whatever it was. He just wanted her to stop crying.

Her hand reached for the dagger that she had fitted beneath her sleeve. She drew it out with shaky fingers. She held it by the blade, offering the stem by his side so that he could take it.

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