Ch54 - Friends And Family

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The morning light entered the window and reached his thick eyelids. He opened his eyes and blinked them a couple of times to aid his sensitive sight to adjust to it. He looked down and his eyes met Jocasta's body curled over against his. Her hair fell messily on her face. Her forehead was pressed against the straps of his shirt on his chest, and his hands were around her. They had been all night, and she was still sleeping there peacefully.

He felt his fingers buried into her hair as he debated on whether he should move. Maybe if he did, he'd wake her, and he didn't want to. Her eyelids rested neatly on top of each other, her soft rhythmic breathing his chin, her lips were slightly parted, as he looked down at her. He took his time to appreciate her elegant features. She was so peaceful. No flinching and crying from nightmares. She looked perfect. It was unbelievable to think of how he was the one who had brought that peace to her. It was unbelievable to think of something that he'd done right.

Being there with her, was the only thing he knew he was doing right. Vincent pressed a kiss on top of her head. His lips touched her hair and drew in her scent and closed his eyes. His heart hammered against his chest, and it was beating loudly for her. He could finally trust someone that much. He finally had somebody who was willing to love him. Somebody that he wouldn't mind being exposed to.

It still felt early to say he loved her. But he had a feeling he did. He did love her. He was sure that he wanted to love her. He wanted her so much. And when he heard a wince coming from her, he pulled his hands away immediately. He realized his hold was tightening around her. He didn't know why. Maybe it was the thought of losing her. He couldn't stop that thought even though he knew now that she was safe.

She raised her head and looked up at him. He had that panic on his face when she winced, but she gave him a smile. When her hand found his cheek, cupping it gently, that tension was released and he let out a sigh.

"I'm alright," she giggled cutely "Don't worry, you're not hurting me," Her thumb stroked his cheek and he savored every single little movement of it. He had that troubled expression on his face. He was probably overthinking again. She chuckled. That was another thing that they had similar. Her thumb found his chin and pulled on it to make him lean closer to her.

His lips caught hers immediately, trapping them in a sweet dance for a small moment, before his tongue found the way inside her mouth. She let out a small moan as her tongue met his. She felt his fingers tightening in her hair and pulling her head back slightly exposing her neck. His lips let go of hers and he dragged kisses down her chin, her cheekbone. She let him pull her head back and she couldn't help but close her eyes and savor the tiny little kisses that he started planting on her skin. His lips found her neck and she shivered when he pulled her skin gently between his lips, suckling on it, and leaving it rosy and marked.

For a moment, she had forgotten the pain on her stomach and her back and all she could feel was those kisses and that suckling on her neck. His hand had slipped down her thigh. She felt the metal of his gauntlet as his hand gently slithered on her exposed thigh. Cold. It made her shiver. Her hands reached for his hair. He let out a low groan when he felt her fingers tightening around the roots of it.

Vincent had to remind himself that she was still wounded, and she still needed her time to heal. And that's when he pulled back and looked up at her. He muffled her tense panting with another kiss. He let out a small growl against her lips as her tongue swirled sweetly against his. He felt so lost in it. He felt so lost in her. And he wanted to remain lost in her for as long as he could. He dragged that kiss long enough, and she didn't seem to mind. Her hands were tight around his shoulders and she let out another giggle against his lips that made him want to kiss her harder.

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