Ch96 - Married Life

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A Few Weeks Later

Things had blended back to normality. It was funny to think about it. Jocasta hadn't been into a normal kitchen, into a normal house -that she shared with somebody- and she hadn't cooked a normal meal ever since she was still a scientist. Even back then she barely ever cooked, since Lucrecia was the only one with enough time to do that. But when she left, cooking had become a daily basis for Jocasta, since even back then, she had a Turk to feed.

And now things were almost as back then, but so much better. Now they were married and married life suited them. Vincent was working in the WRO, teaching new recruits with Sephiroth. It was a good idea taking that position, considering that it would give those two all the time that they needed to bond. The WRO had bought Shinra that made sure to let everybody know that it had bankrupted even though nobody believed that.

Jocasta couldn't believe that a company like Shinra was ever possible to get bankrupted. There was no longer a Shinra company, though, and both the Turks and the former President were working under Reeve's command and the entire team could feel nothing but relief about that. That cursed company was gone and thank goodness Reeve was there to guide what was left of it to a brighter future. He had offered her to become head of the WRO's R&D. Shalua and Hester were already working there and Jocasta just let him know that she'd think about it.

She was still afraid to become a Class A Scientist of another big company, even though she knew that Reeve would never repeat the mistakes of Shinra's. She sighed. Maybe she needed time to figure that out.

But for now, she was wearing the kitchen glove while taking out of the oven the chicken with vegetables that she'd put in for the last couple of minutes. She pinched the white meat with a fork. It looked ready and so did the rest of the vegetables that she had scattered around it.

Vincent didn't really seem to have any preferences in food. He ate whatever she made every day and he seemed content with it, whatever it was. Honestly, he was just happy to be there. He was just happy to have a beautiful, clean house that rested between the forests of the Eastern Continent, close to his job, far from people. He was happy to return back to it every day, with his lovely wife waiting for him, with always something delicious for lunch.

He never thought he'd have that. Especially when Hester fixed an arm for him, far more advanced, and covered the electrical mechanisms with synthetic skin. He couldn't feel touch, or pressure, or heat, but now it looked real, at least. He could let it exposed and not think about wearing a glove, or a gauntlet should he need to protect it from something.

Every day was getting better and better. He finally had the life that he never thought he'd have. A normal, happy life with somebody. With the woman that he dearly loved and he made sure to let her know every single day.

Jocasta smiled when she heard the familiar sound of Vincent unlocking the door and walking in. He set his bag and his coat by the nearby coat stand, and his nostrils caught immediately the delicious smell of chicken in the oven. His footsteps approached the kitchen. A smile caught his lips as he saw her serving the chicken on two plates. He crossed his legs and rested some of his weight by the entrance of the room as he watched her. She noticed him being there and she turned and gave him a smile.

"Vince! How was your day?" She asked before she turned her attention back on cutting the chicken.

He approached her. His hands slithered around her waist. She felt her back pressing against his chest, and his lips giving her exposed shoulder a kiss that made her smile and bite her lip.

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