Ch99 - New Enemy

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It all came so alarmingly. Vincent and Jocasta were on their way to the WRO headquarters by the time the phone call came. Hester was missing. She was missing and no one knew where she was. Sephiroth sounded panicked. Of course, he would be. He loved her. The team was going to gather up right away.

Jocasta was worried. Where would she be? Where's my daughter? She had no idea and it drove her insane not knowing and she sighed a couple of times. Her fingers messed with her sleeves while they rested on her thigh. Vincent was beside her on the driver's seat while he drove towards the WRO headquarters. He eyed her a couple of times. Night had fallen. It must've been around midnight. His hand reached for hers on her thigh, stopping that messy tugging that her fingers did on her sleeve whenever she was nervous.

He laced their fingers together while focusing his attention on the road ahead "We'll find her," he didn't want her to worry. He didn't want her to be nervous at all.

She gave his hand a gentle squeeze "Okay,"

He let go of her arm to park his car on the outside of the WRO Headquarters. Soldiers were keeping guard outside. They recognized them and gave Vincent a nod before the two of them entered the building. Vincent's hand lingered on her waist as he guided her to the control centre where Reeve would be. WRO soldiers were already there, researching on who it might have been. Sephiroth was pacing around with his hands crossed against his chest. Cloud, Tifa, and Barret were talking with Reeve.

Cait Sith was on top of the computers, with his fingers plugged into them and searching through the network for evidence. Elena was beside the robotic cat, typing and checking on the results that the robot gave her. Tseng was on top of her with a hand against his chin staring at the monitor, on what she was working on. Rude and Reno entered the room from the other door.

"Did you find anything?" Tifa asked as everybody turned their attention at the two Turks.

"Two more people disappeared and we're on lockdown," Rude said.

"Boss, you better stay here where we can keep you safe," Reno said at Rufus.

Rufus shrugged and looked over at Reeve who was speaking with some WRO soldiers "I'm not the boss, he's the boss. I just pay for everything around here," he said sarcastically.

Reno and Rude got on guard duty right away. After the disappearance that had happened, it was critical to keep both Rufus and Reeve safe, even though Rufus would have no problem blowing up the brains of anybody who'd try to merely touch him.

"Didn't you get bankrupt?" Barret asked confusedly and Elena chuckled.

"Did you guys seriously believe that?" she said taking a sip from her coffee "Damn, we did a pretty good job with the press,"

"Elena, focus," Tseng reminded her and she sighed.

"Yes, sir,"

Reno's attention fell on Vincent and Jocasta who had just entered the room. He approached the two with that cocky smile on his face "Hey, doc,"

Jocasta returned the smile and drew in a breath to talk, but Vincent's hand tightened around her waist "Reno, report," he ordered.

Reno sighed "Twenty-five more people disappeared the last two hours," his hand found his waist, resting against it as Rude approached them as well.

"We checked the sites. We found no evidence, whatsoever," Rude said.

"Could be someone from the inside," Cloud suggested.

Sephiroth for once stopped pacing around and raised a finger "Could be," he turned at the Turks "I need two of you to interrogate the entire HQ. Soldiers, nurses, scientists, caretakers, everyone," he was worried and tense. That was pretty much clear.

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