Ch49 - One Last Chance

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Explicit Sexual Content !!! 

You have been warned. 


The team quietly retreated to their quarters. Cid talked with the crew and convinced to drop them by Rocket Town. If they fail to save the world, then the crew should at least get to spend their last moments with their families. And so, the ship was empty, and quiet. Barret's loud voice came from his room as he talked to his daughter through his PHS.

He was trying his best to let her know that he loved her. It sounded like one last call a father would give to his little girl. He kept apologizing, and trying to explain why he couldn't be there. He tried to convince her that everything was going to be okay. Jocasta smiled. But it was a bitter smile. She wished she had known her own daughter. She wished she had the chance to watch her grow, graduate, achieve. Hojo had stolen that chance from her and he had probably twisted her mind, and bent it to his will till she became like him. At least that's what Jocasta could guess.

Cloud and Tifa were spending some time in Cloud's room. She was glad that these two had each other to rely onto, just as much as she had Vincent. Jocasta walked towards the bridge. The lights were turned low. There was night outside and the Highwind was parked over the white hills nearby Icicle Village.

It was so quiet. The corridors of the Highwind, that were once filled with the endless mumble of people running around, it only had the deafening sound of silence. The thick grey clouds were covering Meteor, and they started dropping snowflakes against the cold glass of the bridge.

Jocasta could only guess that Cid was somewhere in there. The smoke of cigar reached her nostrils when she entered the quiet, dark bridge. Cid was sitting by the steps that led to the lower deck. He had a cold, glass bottle, half-filled with beer that he had already consumed. The sparks of his cigarette came to life when he drew it in and puffed it out releasing a large cloud of smoke. He was staring outside, at the dark sky, and the whiteness of the snowed hills that surrounded his ship.

Jocasta sat beside him on the steps and she sighed "One last cigarette till the end of the world?"

He chuckled "Fuck yeah..." he grabbed the bottle and he took a deep sip of his beer. He lent his hand over, offering her to take a sip too. Jocasta shrugged. She didn't care if it was the same bottle. She could use the alcohol.

She grabbed the bottle and took a sip and she sighed. She hadn't tasted beer in such a long time. The liquid was soothing and cool against her tongue, as she handed him the bottle back.

"Could tell you're a drunkard..." Cid grinned " me,"

Jocasta raised an eyebrow, teasingly "Drinking and smoking?! How long do you think you'll last, old man?"

"For fuck's sakes, lemme fuckin' enjoy it till the end of the fuckin' world!" Cid cried out angrily and Jocasta started laughing. He couldn't help smile as well, when he realized she was just teasing him. "Fuck off, dramaqueen,"

She laughed a little bit more and then a small moment of silence fell as they passed on the bottle of beer. They just focused their attention at the dark, white crater that stood in the distance. This is where Sephiroth was, and this is where the showdown was going to take place. Jocasta sighed.

"Still wanna save that bastard?" Cid asked.

Jocasta pursed her lips. She knew Cid was more understanding than the others. He had no grudges to hold against Sephiroth. "I can't let them kill him," she admitted "He's like... a son to me... you know?"

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