Ch46 - Fear

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A loud wave of energy shook the entire Highwind, that made Vincent and Jocasta look at each other, before they finally fended off of each other and hurried towards the bridge where the rest of the team was. The crew was running all around the corridors of the Highwind, panicked to get some stuff done.


Cid's voice came loud from the bridge, and when Jocasta and Vincent entered, Vincent asked "What's going on?"

"Shinra's next target was the barrier at the Northern Crater!" Cait Sith answered, panicked as well, as the robotic cat's paws tightened around his PHS.

"Did they bring it down?!" Barret cried out.

Cait pressed the PHS in his ears "Aye!"

Everybody started cheering because the barrier was finally down and they would be able to face Sephiroth that had been hiding behind all this time. But Jocasta didn't cheer, neither did Vincent. She wasn't happy about it. She knew how much powerful Sephiroth could be, but if the team was to launch an attack on him, they'd kill him. Jocasta shook her head as she closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. No. She was going to save him. She would find a way.

"Alright, we'll head back to the Northern Crater. If that barrier's down, Sephiroth's still inside," Cloud said and the trainee pilot nodded before he set the course for the Northern Crater.

Jocasta heaved a sigh "And then what? What are we gonna do once we get there?" She asked.

Cloud looked at her and pursed his lips. He knew that Jocasta was against killing Sephiroth. Tifa had briefed him on the fact that Jocasta was the one who had raised him. At least for the first three years of his life.

But still, he couldn't comply to Jocasta's wishes. He needed to end this. Sephiroth had taken out his hometown, butchered his mother, killed Tifa's father, killed Aerith. He had betrayed Zack and him and everybody who believed in him. He couldn't let all these, just pass.

Cloud opened his mouth to speak, but Cait Sith cut him "Lads! I have a feeling you might wanna hear this!" he said as he pressed a button on his PHS and the voices that came from the speaker, drew everybody's attentions.

"We can't get in touch with the President!"

"Forget about the President! Get to the Mako Cannon!" Cait Sith said, but his accent and his voice this time was a lot more normal. It was probably the guy's who was controlling him.

"What's up with you, Reeve?!"

That sounded like Scarlet. Everybody nodded in acknowledgement as they finally figured out who controlled Cait Sith all this time. Reeve. The Director of Urban Development of Shinra's.

"That doesn't matter! The Mako Reactor's output is increasing all by itself!"

"W- wait a minute! That's crazy! It has to cool down for at least three hours! Reeve! Shut it down!" Scarlet said.

"We can't! It's inoperable!" Reeve said, panicked "Somebody hacked into the system and overridden the mainframe controls!"

The Cait Sith dialed another number and put the speaker on so that everybody could hear. And then it came that laughter. A laughter that made Jocasta's whole body shiver and her hands tremble. Her fists clenched so hard, her nails dug in the skin of her palm.

"Just you wait, Sephiroth... I'm going to give you all the Mako power that you need..."

Vincent's eyes too widened and he gritted his teeth. Hojo.

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