Ch87 - The Calm Before the Storm

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When they reached the WRO headquarters, the entire team was gathered there. Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Reeve, Cid. They gathered around and let Jocasta explain it all. She told them about her time in Deepground. She told them about Omega, and Chaos, and Lucrecia's Thesis. Hojo would always read aloud Lucrecia's Thesis whenever he'd experiment on her. She had almost memorized it all.

They loaded the data from Lucrecia's Thesis into a projection. Omega. The end. And Chaos. Its sole purpose was to gather all Lifestream from a Planet and hand it to Omega so that it could carry it to another Planet. Omega was being awakened by the immense flow of Lifestream, and maybe that's why, Deepground was murdering people massively, to create pure Lifestream and awake Omega. Jocasta only harboured a part of Omega's. Which remained silent so long as Vincent was around.

Jocasta explained to them about the Protomateria. The only Materia that could contain Omega. But Deepground had it, and Jocasta felt terrible to know that she was the one who gave it to them. She knew she couldn't do otherwise, and her friends tried to let her know that it just wasn't her fault. But she knew that it was. Always so weak. It was the only thing that Rosso was right about.

The attack from the ground was going to be led by Cloud, Barret, and Tifa. Cid would lead the Air Force while Jocasta, Vincent, Sephiroth, and Yuffie would sneak into Deepground and kill Weiss -or else- Hojo.

Cloud, Barret, and Tifa set off immediately to settle into their trucks with the WRO squads and they started driving away towards the direction of Midgar. A long journey considering how far it was from the base. The rest of the team boarded Cid's newest 'Shera' Model. It was filled with WRO members operating and watching over the controls. Their endless mumbling and talking was audible from the bridge.

Vincent and Jocasta made their way to the bridge where Cid was standing, holding the steering wheel and keeping the ship steady on its course. Jocasta looked around at the people that paced all around the massive ship. It was amazing to think of how much gil Reeve must've spent for that.

She approached Cid and she placed a hand on his shoulder. The cranky Captain turned and looked at her and let out a loud laugh before he let go of the steering wheel and pulled her into a tight hug. They hadn't gotten the time to catch up since the only thing that Jocasta did was explain things and helping the others understand what's been going on.

"So good ta fuckin' finally see ya, Joe!" Cid's hug was almost suffocating, but she didn't really care.

"You foul-mouthed, magnificent bastard, I missed you so fuckin' much," Jocasta almost felt a tear of happiness slipping down her cheek as she squeezed him.

He pulled back with a laugh "Who did you call foul-mouthed?!" he gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze "I fuckin' missed ya,"

Vincent noticed the ship almost falling on the side and the crewmembers panicked for a few seconds, and Cid didn't really seem to have noticed it at all. Vincent's hand reached for the steering wheel, bringing it back on a steady course. He had never really piloted an advanced model like this, but how difficult could it be to just hold the steering wheel steady?

"I missed you too! How's Shera?" Jocasta asked. She found herself smiling so widely. She hadn't smiled like that in such a long time.

"Ha! She'd be whooping my ass if she knew I told you but..." Cid leaned closer, making sure nobody was around them to listen "...we're pregnant,"

Jocasta's eyes widened. Her hand found her mouth immediately to muffle an exclamation of excitement. She laughed "You mean she's pregnant,"

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