Ch59 - Touch

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Explicit Sexual Content !!!

You have been warned !!!

They arrived at the apartment that Hester had rented in Mideel that same night. Hester knew she shouldn't be feeling bad for Jocasta. Jocasta was never there for her. She was never there to protect her from Hojo. She didn't even know she existed. But when she cupped her face like no one ever had before, and thanked her for being there... she thanked them both actually. Both Sephiroth and Hester. Sephiroth seemed to be closer to her own mother than she was.

Hester still hated to watch her being like that. She calculated it in her mind with all the accuracy that she could. Jocasta would have to take a few months before her body would be able to fully heal. If it would be able to fully heal. Sephiroth was going to ask her to be there for her, and Hester wasn't going to object. Jocasta was her mother after all.

They both lived in that apartment for a while. She'd bought him a few pairs of clothes and he had promised to no longer be a burden for her once he'd find a job and another apartment of his. Having a life that would blend back to the normality -that he'd never had- was indeed terrifying. He didn't know it was to have a normal job. A house. Friends. Normality. All he'd known in his life was fighting senseless wars that were never his own. Sephiroth didn't want to be a burden for Hester. Even though he had feelings for her, every time he'd try to get close, she would push back and she wouldn't tell him why. He knew that she had feelings for him too.

He remembered their childhood and their teenage years that they spent together in Shinra. They were close ever since. But one day she just pushed him away and she was still pushing him away. It was okay, though. He wasn't going to force anything on her if she didn't want it. If she didn't want him.

"Are you hungry? I could make something to eat if you want to,"

Her voice came from the kitchen. He approached her and he pressed his weight against the counter. His hands crossed against his chest as he watched her take out a glass and filling it with water.

Sephiroth shook his head "No. I'm just gonna go sleep,"

She nodded "Yeah..." she placed the glass back in the sink " too,"

Sephiroth turned around to leave and make his way to his room, but he stopped himself halfway when he reminded himself that he hadn't told her. His hand reached for the pocket of his pants where he had stuffed the paper that he had retrieved from Jocasta. He handed it over to her.

She unfolded the paper and she tucked her glasses further up her nose as she took a moment to read the results. Her eyes widened for a moment.

"Yeah. Turns out that asshole's my father," Sephiroth agreed.

He chuckled bitterly. The only thing he had against Vincent was hurting Jocasta. But now that he knew about both his parents, he didn't feel any different. None of his parents ever wanted him. He had heard Jocasta's and Vincent's conversation. Their voices were loud enough for his enhanced senses to catch. He had tried his best to stop Jocasta from crying after Vincent left. The only thing holding him from slicing his body with the Masamune was Jocasta's obvious feelings for the man that he was supposed to call father.

Father. He didn't know how it felt like. Having a father, and a mother, most importantly a mother were the two things that he always wanted and he never got. He did get a taste of what it is to have a mother though. He did get a taste of motherly love and affection. Even though it was snatched away from him for all these years, he had found Jocasta again. Nay, she had found him. She had saved him. She had risked her life for him. Nobody had ever done that. Nobody had ever done anything close to that for him. He was grateful. He loved her with everything he had. He was going to be there for her. He knew that now more than ever, she needed him.

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