Ch15 - The Gold Saucer

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Jocasta couldn't say she liked the Gold Saucer. It was a place where people were supposed to go and have fun. But as a scientist, the only reason she'd once went to the Gold Saucer was to treat a patient a long, long time ago. Which wasn't surprising. All these rollercoasters and jump-scaring tunnels brought lots of heart attacks to sensitive visitors. Other than that, Fun wasn't really part of her schedule. There was just no room for it.

Cloud and the team exited the tram that had taken them there. They stretched their arms and legs for a moment after the long ride and they turned at their leader.

"So, what now, Strife?" Cid asked, resting his hands by his waist.

Cloud eyed them as they gathered around him, he crossed his arms against his chest and parted his lips "Aerith, Tifa, you're coming with me to look for the Keystone. The rest of you keep a look around. If you see any Shinra troops or any Turks, contact me,"

"You got it!" Barret nodded.

Aerith, Tifa, and Cloud hurried towards the main building, and Jocasta, Vincent, Barret, Red, Yuffie, and Cid turned at each other.

"We'd be better if we split up," Red suggested.

"Alright! I'm goin' with Red. This hard-ass mothafucka' here will go with the brat," Barret said as he placed a hand by Cid's shoulder.



Both Cid and Yuffie protested but Barret ignored them and turned at Jocasta and Vincent "And you two vamps have a look over the other side of the park, will ya?"

Jocasta and Vincent just nodded before they started walking around the place in their usual silence. Everything seemed normal. There were lots of customers around having fun with the numerous games that were spread around the place. Basically, wasting their money on nothing essential. Jocasta shrugged, I guess it's... fun.

It's been so long since she'd actually enjoyed something, and that wasn't a game, nor a date, nor a conversation. It was her sweet, sweet science, but after everything that had happened to her because of that science, she'd come to hate that one thing she used to cherish the most. Her job. Her former job that is.

Jocasta let out another heavy sigh and Vincent eyed her for a brief moment before he turned his gaze back on the crowd and the lights of the park around them.

"Ever been here before?" Jocasta asked.

"Back when I was a Turk, yes. It has changed," Vincent admitted.

"Yeah," Jocasta agreed, her gaze locked on the soil they walked on.

It was pretty obvious that something was bothering her, and maybe that something was her past. The past she wasn't talking about. Vincent wanted to know what had happened to her. He fell that worry he hadn't felt for somebody in a while. She was the only person from his past, the only person that knew him and understood him better than anyone. They were friends and the mere thought of her having passed the same torment he had, it angered him. But he wasn't one to show that anger. Those emotions.

"Jocasta," His deep voice came from beside her. He placed his clawed hand by her shoulder pausing their walk for a second. She turned and faced him, eyes looked at him curiously.


He pursed his lips and sighed. Maybe he shouldn't be asking her, but he needed answers. "Hojo..." he felt disgusted even spelling that name "...what did he do to you?"

Jocasta's gaze slipped back down and she turned her back on him. Teeth gritted together and fists clenched. She pushed her sleeve up, grabbed her dagger, and sliced a large cut on her arm that started bleeding.

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