Ch39 - Back to Icicle Village

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The cold was unpleasant for most, especially Cid as he started cursing the moment, he stepped foot off the Highwind. He was wearing a pretty fat jacket that was supposed to keep the cold out, but he was cursing anyway. Jocasta and Vincent were pretty much wearing their usual outfits since the cold didn't bother them as much as it would bother a normal person. Cait Sith hopped on Jocasta's shoulder as they made their way into the village that was always dressed in white.

The glow that came from the Barrier around the Crater, was greenish and bright. Sephiroth was hiding behind. Or at least Shinra claimed so. Jocasta guided them towards Gast's house and they entered in. Passing the data to the disc that Alford had given her, wasn't as tricky as she thought it'd be, considering that Gast's computer was older than herself.

"So, tell me, Joe..." Cid said as he settled on a chair in Gast's basement and puffed out his cigarette while they waited for the files to load into the disc " the hell do you know that bastard?"

"My sister was his mom," Jocasta said and at that Cid's eyes widened and his lips tightened around his cigarette.

"You mean Dr. Lucrecia Crescent?" Cait Sith asked.

"Yes," Vincent answered.

"Hold on just a goddamn sec!" Cid cried out as he pointed at Vincent "ARE YOU SEPHIROTH'S DAD?!" he looked freaked out.

Vincent's eyes widened for a second. He hadn't taken the time to even consider being Sephiroth's father. But he shook his head. It hadn't taken more than two months after his breakup with Lucrecia before she got married with Hojo.

"No," Vincent said.

"Nah, I don't think so," Jocasta said but then she actually took a moment to think about.

For all she knew, Lucrecia and Vincent had gotten intimate, but in no way Sephiroth looked like him. Yeah, long-ass hair, good looks, perfectly built body, not looking like Vincent at all. The grey hair and the cat-green eyes were effects on his body by the JENOVA cells. It made sense since Lucrecia and Hojo had none of these characteristics. His natural hair would probably be brown or black and his eyes would be brown. But, well, if she was going to succeed in bringing him back and his eyes turn crimson brown like Vincent's... that would be a problem.

"You guys are not convincing me," Cid said as he spared two looks at the two who remained in silence for a minute.

"It all happened real fast back in the day, kid," Jocasta said and she grinned as she turned at Cid who shot her a look.

"I'm four years older than you, ya don't get ta call me that, dramaqueen," Cid said.

"Basically Dr. Jocasta Ernchester was born on 20th September of 1951 and Cid, ye were born on 22nd February of 1975, so that does make her older than ye," Cait Sith said.

"What the 'ell!? You readin' our files right now or somethin'?!" Cid cried out at the robotic cat.

"Aye!" Cait said and Cid groaned ready to start cursing but Jocasta cut him.

"It's done," she said as she drew out the disc from the computer and she turned it off. She tossed the disc in her bag and she got up "Let's go,"

The four walked out of the basement and eventually out of the house after switching off the lights. They were greeted by the cold breeze outside, and the cold snow that instantly surrounded their feet. Cid didn't stop the questions though and that made Vincent frown even more.

"So, wait, if Vinnie ain't his daddy, then who is?!" Cid asked confusedly.

"Professor Hojo. Of course, Sephiroth never found out about what happened to his parents and who they are," Jocasta said.

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