Ch102 - The End of the World Pt. 1

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Jocasta watched as the Genesis Copies prepared the bomb that they were going to cast into the planet and destroy it all. She knew the WRO were on their way. She had sent them as briefly as possible what they needed to know. It was probably evening but the temperatures in Knowlespole were always low whenever. She just stood there and waited. There was nothing else that she could do.

"Do you think that I wouldn't know that you'd contact them?" Genesis's voice came and she looked up at him from the outside of her cell. "Sephiroth never stands idle especially when it comes to you. You know, he'd talk about you sometimes,"

"Why are you doing this?" Jocasta asked and he turned and looked at her.

"This world hath bringeth me nothing but pain. Why shouldst I treat it any differently?" Genesis asked.

"Dammit, Genesis, you're in this world! It goes down, you go down with it!" Jocasta tried to reason.

"I tried so hard to keep up with the living," his fingers clenched into fists he chuckled bitterly "Sweet irony, though. I would've been better off with the dead,"

"General! WRO troops have arrived!" One of his soldiers announced.

Genesis turned at the scientists "How much longer will it take?"

"Give us all the time you can get, sir!"

"So be it then. Let the curtains roll. And so, shall the play begin,"


A white valley spread beneath them, covered in snow. The Icicle Area rested further away and the Crater still stood in the distance, cold and abandoned. A large building stood below them. The coordinates that Hester had sent them, led them to that place and Cid and the other two Captains of the other two WRO ships, landed on the white, huge valley.

An army was outside, already waiting for them. It made sense that they would. Everybody gathered on the bridge, giving final checks on their weapons. Cid grabbed the microphone and let out his announcement.

"Alright, y'all! This is gonna be one cold-ass assault and hopefully the last one. There's a fuckin' jackass down there who wants to end the fuckin' world. Now, I've no fuckin' idea on how the fuck he's planning to do that, but I only know one goddamn thing: We can't let the world end. Not as long as we got our friends, our family..." he looked back at the team. He looked at Vincent and he sighed "...our wives and our children. We fight for them! Now, let's go kick some ass!"

Everybody cheered and threw fists in the air. Vincent, Cloud, Barret, Tifa, and Sephiroth hurried back to bay nine. The hatches opened and the WRO squads rushed out with their weapons in their hands. They all got in their stances and Sephiroth with Cloud took the lead. The Turks with Vincent were going to sneak into the base while Sephiroth and the rest of the WROs were going to keep the Genesis Army busy.

The two armies collided with Sephiroth and Cloud leading on the front. Tifa and Barret were on the WRO tanks firing at the soldiers that came their way. Vincent drew out his guns. Both guns in his hands as he fired at the soldiers that came his way taking them out. Reno whipped out his electric rod and electrocuted every single soldier that came his way, with Rude behind him. Both Turks defending each other's backs. The younger Turks stayed back to base to keep both the Former President and the Commissioner safe, while Elena was trying to figure out how to get inside the base.

Vincent turned around to fire on the soldier that he had noticed approaching from behind, but he realized that Tseng had already taken him down. Another soldier was going to shoot at Tseng from behind and Vincent's fast reflexes kicked in as he shot at him. Tseng gave him a silent nod before he set off to side-kick another soldier, knocking his gun off his hands and shooting at him while Vincent defended his back shooting at another soldier that tried to come his way. He passed his foot beneath a soldier's feet, making him lose his balance and fall. Tseng elbowed him hard on the head, knocking him unconscious.

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