Ch10 - Danger

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Jocasta washed the blood off her hands and off the lancet she'd used earlier to cut through his tissue. It was over. Finally, over. Another droplet of cold sweat slipped down her forehead as she placed the lancet aside and finished washing her hands. She looked at herself in the mirror. She let out a deep sigh she'd been holding the past few hours.

Lucrecia was right. Vincent wasn't dead. There was still some blood running in his veins, but he was still in a comatose state. She just hoped he was gonna be okay. Lucrecia's theory was supposed to work.

"No! This is no experiment!"

Lucrecia's voice came from the other room and then a familiar laugh followed. A sickening laugh. So familiar. An expression of hate formed on her face. Hojo.

Jocasta walked into the lab. Hojo was there, laughing at Lucrecia "You're using this... fine specimen to prove your thesis. My failed experiment. How would he feel if he knew his beloved turned him into another of her test subjects?" He laughed once again as he tucked his glasses further up the bridge of his nose "Once a scientist always a scientist, I must say!" Hojo said.

"No! You're wrong! You're wrong! You're wrong!" Lucrecia cried out; her fingers dug in her hair as she shut her eyes.

Hojo's smile disappeared when he noticed Jocasta being there "What are you doing here?! If I recall correctly, you didn't like experimenting on human bodies,"

Jocasta walked towards Lucrecia and passed a hand around her shoulders. Lucrecia clutched on her friend's shirt as she cried on her shoulder. Jocasta shot a glare towards the mad young scientist.

"What did you do to him?" She demanded. One hand around Lucrecia, the other fisting in anger, so tight, she could feel her nails clawing in the skin of her palm like a sharp knife.

Hojo laughed "Me? Do you think I'd waste the chance of putting that fine specimen to use? Of course, he failed. But nevertheless, I got what I wanted," he let out another of his insane laughs "You two experiment for all I care!" he said and with that he walked out of the lab leaving them alone.

Jocasta ran a hand through Lucrecia's hair soothingly. Lucrecia looked up her and she wiped another tear that came running down her cheek.

"I'm not experimenting on him... this is not an experiment... I'm trying to-" Lucrecia let out a strangled shout as she felt that same pain over her abdomen. Her hand clutched on her skin as her body folded.

Jocasta passed Lucrecia's hand around her shoulders as she led her towards a nearby table "You should let me examine you. Maybe I'll be able to do something about that,"

Lucrecia shook her head "No, no, no... I don't wanna live anymore. I wanna die-"

"Don't say that," Jocasta cut her. She walked towards some nearby shelves and she grabbed a clean syringe, a needle, and a bottle of alcohol. "I'm gonna take a blood sample,"


The alien's cells in Lucrecia's body weren't destroying her tissue. They were regenerating. Multiplying in a fast rate and taking over. Of course, her immune system tried to fight them off, and it was her immune system that caused the damage to her cells. Jocasta gave her pills that suppressed the immune system and the pain stopped for a while. But now there was danger of dying by any other kind of infection.

Jocasta sat beside Lucrecia, keeping an eye on her while she rested. She rubbed her forehead. This is such a mess. It was so tiring. She was psychologically exhausted, but she knew she'd have to remain strong. For Lucrecia. For Vincent.

Blood & Sympathy (FFVII: Vincent x OC)Where stories live. Discover now