Ch16 - A Traitor in the Team

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She hadn’t realized she had actually slept and woken up without screams and nightmares until she began to stir. Jocasta let out a yawn as her hand found her eyes and gently rubbed them. She actually felt less sleep-deprived than usual.

Jocasta opened her eyes, the room was still dark. Cid’s and Barret’s snores were still echoing between its walls. Jocasta realized it was still pretty early in the morning, so she closed her eyes again. Her thoughts drifted back to painful memories. Her hand clutched on her belly. Her stomach twisted at the possibility that she had a child out there. Hers and Hojo’s.

She shook her head. Don’t think about that. She always tried to ignore. Ignore and shut out. It was the only way she could move on. She turned her head, and she smiled for a moment until the realization hit her.

Wide crimson eyes stared back at her as they both realized they’d actually slept on the same bed together. Jocasta couldn’t quite recall how that happened. Vincent immediately got up, as he tried to collect his words carefully before saying anything. Clear confusion pictured on his face, not sure if he should either apologize or just ignore the obvious awkwardness of the situation.

“Uh-” he started and before he could finish, the door of the room snapped open. The two of them didn’t even have the chance to fend away from each other as a stressed-out Yuffie barged into the room, she took a moment to catch her breath.

“Guys! Guys! Wake up! Something terrible has- Wait, were you two sleeping together?” Yuffie instantly snapped out of the matter as she shot Jocasta and Vincent a curious look.

Jocasta eyed Vincent for a moment, as he buried his face further behind his collar, probably in an effort to hide a blush that had started to creep across his cheeks. Jocasta growled. I swear to Holy, I’m gonna fuckin’ kick that kid’s ass-

Eat her. Her demon growled in the back of her mind.

What?! No! What’s with you and eating kids?!

They taste funny.

I can’t fucking believe you.

Jocasta snapped back to reality and she turned at the sixteen-year-old “Yuffie, did you come here to tell us something or just get on our nerves?”

Cid, Barret, and Red snapped out of their sleep “That lil’ brat is getting on my goddamn nerves alright! Let us fuckin’ sleep!” Cid cried out throwing a pillow at Yuffie.

Yuffie caught it with her fast reflexes as she let out a laugh “What? Old man can’t get enough sleep?” she teased throwing the pillow back at the captain.

Cid jumped up his bed “Why you lil-”

“Yuffie!” Barret cried out “Focus. What’s wrong?”

“Ah yes!” she clicked her fingers, jumping back to the main reason she’d interrupted their sleep for “Cait Sith stole the Keystone and handed it back to the Turks,” she recalled.

Everybody stood up, every thought of adding a little more sleep, vanished. Wide eyes stared back at the girl in both surprise and frustration.

“What the-?!” Cid cried out and Barret cut him.

“That double-crossing bastard!” Barret cried out angrily.

Jocasta gritted her teeth, fists clenched “I knew there was something off about that cat!”

“When did it happen?” Red asked.

“A few minutes ago. Tifa, Cloud, and Aerith are down questioning him. The Turks left,” Yuffie answered.

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