Ch2 - The Start of Everything

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Dr. Ernchester wasn't one to get distracted off her work. Dr. Gast and Dr. Hojo had left the basement lab a few hours ago, and as far as she knew, Jocasta was the only one in the lab. Lucy hadn't left yet so she assumed she probably was in the room next to the lab with Vincent. But she heard shouting.

Jocasta let go of the samples, the tools, the microscope, and she jumped off her seat. It didn't sound like a normal fight two people would have. Especially two people in love. But what do I know? These were undoubtedly Lucrecia's and Vincent's voices that came from the other room. Jocasta knew she should just focus on her business. Her job. She wasn't one to gossip. But it sounded serious. Maybe she could stop both before they did something they'd regret. Anything.

Jocasta got up and took off her glasses, letting them hung from her neck. She rubbed a hand over her eyes and her forehead. Maybe she did need a break. Her eyes stung, and a headache gathered on her forehead. She sighed and she walked out of the lab and approached the door that led to the room where all the shouting came from.

She crossed her hands against her chest as she stood outside and tried to catch a bit of the conversation. Maybe she shouldn't intrude.

"I killed him! I killed Grimoire... your father..."

Then a huge series of sobs followed. Jocasta cracked the door open but made sure they didn't notice. She saw Vincent's hands tightly wrapped around Lucrecia as she wept on his chest. Her fingers tightly clutched on his shirt as if she was trying to either push him away or hold on to him as if he was going to disappear. Her features turned into a wrinkle of pain as numerous tears soaked her cheeks and Vincent's black jacket.

Vincent, on the other hand, seemed more confused than angry, or even sad. He was never much close to his father. Grimoire Valentine helped so much Lucrecia with her thesis on some old Cetra legends that referred to demons created by the planet itself. It did sound ridiculous, especially for a scientist. All that scientists do is observe and examine stuff that can be seen and touched and examined.

But demons? Seriously? There was a time that Jocasta too thought of Lucrecia's thesis to be ridiculous. Alas, Grimoire Valentine proved otherwise. They'd found one of these demons, Chaos, and on her excitement, Lucrecia didn't even consider taking any safety measures when she started experimenting on it. The explosion killed Grimoire and Lucrecia had been drowning in guilt ever since.

And now finally Lucrecia decided to share that guilt to her beloved Vincent Valentine. A story of how she killed his father. Of course, the story didn't sound like she'd done this purposely. It was an accident, but it was an accident that could've been prevented.

Nevertheless, Vincent loved her with all his heart and it was pretty obvious ever since these two started dating. He wasn't gonna hold a grudge against her for it. He wasn't even gonna get mad. All he tried to do was console her, be there for her, show understanding.

"It wasn't your fault! Lucrecia, please, look at me!"

One hand reached for her face. He cupped her cheek in an attempt to make her look up at him.

"It was an accident. Just an accident, you didn't kill him,"

"But I did! I could've prevented it! I could've... I could've..."

Then she lost her words as a bunch of sobs gathered up her throat and she wept against his shoulder.

"How can you still love me after what I've... Vincent... I'm so sorry..."

"I'm so sorry,"

Jocasta sighed and returned back to her lab. She knew this moment would come. Sooner or later, Lucrecia would have to tell him. She felt bad for them. Jocasta hoped they could just work this out, have a long conversation, and see them come back home as if nothing had happened. But she knew Lucrecia, and therefore she knew that that wasn't gonna be the case.

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