Ch3 - Change

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2 Months Later

He's been so miserable ever since it happened. Yes, Jocasta's worst fears had been realized, and it all happened so fast. Well, being consumed in her work most of the time, of course, it was difficult to notice those two months passing. After all these long midnight conversations on how bad the decision was, nothing could change Lucrecia's mind.

It's only been a week since Lucrecia's and Hojo's wedding. Now she was living with him in the Shinra Manor, and Jocasta with Vincent lived back in their house. Jocasta had the headphones and the music loud in her ears. She loved the shouting and the loud noises of early rock music. The louder it was, the easier she kept her thoughts at bay.

She'd reached out to an old friend of hers back in Midgar, and he'd send her these new headphones and a device. Jocasta had to admit, she wasn't very much familiar with electrical devices -other than the ones she used in the lab- but she was more than grateful they existed. She kept scribbling down notes in her notebook as she underlined another sentence she found interesting in the book she was reading.

It had been another afternoon after another tiring day in the lab. She kept her distance away from Hojo and Lucrecia. Jocasta couldn't recognize Lucrecia anymore. She wasn't the same woman she'd grown up with. But, if she was to be honest to herself, she didn't care. It was Lucrecia's choices that brought her there, and apparently, she was happy.

Vincent hadn't even tried to object. Lucrecia was happy, and that felt enough. But didn't help the fact that he wasn't happy without her.

Jocasta found herself looking outside the window. She saw the reflection of the door behind her opening the tiniest bit and Vincent standing behind it. Vincent kept checking on her every now and then, making sure she was safe. That was basically his job.

Lucrecia didn't need protection anymore. The Shinra Manor was filled with infantrymen and Shinra's Security Officers. It was a fortress.

"Vincent!" Jocasta said hurriedly as she took off the headphones, rested them on the table and she turned to look at him. Her mind loudly screamed at her that what she was gonna suggest extreme for both hers and Vincent's extremely antisocial characters. Vincent opened the door again and walked in.


She remembered that's what she'd been staring at the past few minutes out the window. The familiar lights that came from the Spring Festival that took place every year.

"Let's go," Jocasta said as she got up and took off her glasses.

"Go where?" Vincent asked.

"The Spring Festival. Surely, you've noticed the tables and lights spread all around the market, right-?"

"Yeah, but why should we go now?" Vincent asked. He was definitely not in the mood for it. He'd been miserable the past few months. Jocasta just wanted to light up his mood. Maybe for just a little.

"Because you're 27, I'm 26 and we aren't acting like it. Besides, we both need some air," Jocasta said as she took off her lab coat and she grabbed her black jacket that hung from the nearby coat stand and put it on.

"But-" Vincent tried to object, but he stopped himself and sighed. He rubbed his forehead. Maybe she's right.

"I can't be wrong about that. You know I've read psychology books," Jocasta said as she put on her shoes. She saw Vincent taking a look at the small bookcase she had in her room.

"I do now," he said.

She chuckled "C'mon," she grabbed his hand and started dragging him out of the room and eventually out of the house.

Blood & Sympathy (FFVII: Vincent x OC)Where stories live. Discover now