Ch47 - Confrontation

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When they landed on the City, the streets were a chaos of people running around, bumping onto each other. Shinra's Police force was scattered around, trying to fix the mess that had been going on, too occupied to notice the team being there. Cait Sith said he knew how to lead them to the cannon without being detected.

Vincent and Jocasta, finally found the team, talking about their plan in the corner of a street. It felt so much different than Jocasta thought it would. She was finally going to take her revenge on Hojo. Vincent too. A few months ago, all she'd think about was butchering him, and now... Now she just didn't care. It was so stupid to spend thirty years of her life thinking of nothing but revenge while she could be doing something better. Anything would be better.

Maybe that change was because of Vincent. She thought that the only way to move on was revenge, but now she had finally a chance to move on. A real chance. Sure, she was still going enjoy watching Hojo's body yield to the cold steel of her freshly sharpened Sais. Oh, she was going to enjoy it way too much.

Vincent loaded Death Penalty with another pair of thick bullets as he spoke "So it is Hojo the one who stirred up this commotion. After all these years..." he chuckled bitterly.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Thirty years he slept into that coffin, thinking of nothing but how he was going to make that wicked scientist suffer. Just like he had made him suffer. The nightmares, the demons, the scars, the beasts. His loathing on his own self. All of these were Hojo's doings. But he didn't care about them as much as he did about what this man had done to Lucrecia.

He was the one who manipulated her into an experiment that promised her death and condemned her child into the treacherous life of a specimen. The life of a test subject, that Vincent and Jocasta knew all too well. Vincent turned at Jocasta and he watched her counting the arrows on her quiver before settling it on her back.

It was strange to think of how a man like Hojo -nay, a monster- who had caused so much pain to so many people, he could be taken down with a single arrow. With a single bullet from his guns. Hojo had created so many monsters, but he was still a defenseless old man.

"I suppose you two are eager to confront Hojo," Cloud said.

Vincent nodded and Jocasta said "That's why we joined the team in the first place,"

Cloud nodded in understanding as he took a look at Meteor, which was closer than ever. The night sky, was no longer night, since that giant orb in the sky was engulfed in flames and it made sense that the City was this chaos of panicked people trying to get desperately away from Midgar.

"Alright, Cait, you lead the way," Cloud said and Cait nodded. Cloud turned at the others "I want you to evacuate the Sectors. As many people as you can, get them out of here. Cait, Vincent, Jocasta and I will go stop the Mako Cannon,"

The rest of the team nodded and they set off immediately to do as they were asked, but they didn't get to walk much further away when the Turks showed up. Jocasta recognized the scarlet-haired man with the unbuttoned shirt, the bald guy they had beaten up in the rocket, and that short-haired blonde woman that they had met in Icicle Village. And of course, Tseng. Their director walked forward as he nudged his comrades to stand down.

"But, boss, our orders are to-"

"Fuck 'em, Rude, the company's fucked anyway," Reno said.

"I agree. We must focus on the safety of the citizens," Elena said.

"We're going to evacuate the City," Tseng said as he turned at the members of the team and Cait Sith walked forwards.

"Then do it, laddie! These lads are here to help too," Cait said as he pointed his thumb at the team.

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