Ch88 - The Final Showdown Pt. 1: The Beginning of the End

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She began to stir when she felt a kiss on her forehead. Jocasta's eyes slowly opened, allowing the morning sunlight in. She looked up, meeting that crimson gaze of the man that she dearly loved wholeheartedly. His arms were around her. Their naked bodies were pressed against each other. A smile had formed on his lips and she couldn't help but smile back. It suited him so well. A perfect smile for those perfect pale lips.

Her nose brushed against his, reminding them both how close they were. Vincent just took this moment to look down at her. He tried to freeze this moment into his mind. The sweetest memory that he ever had. He was with the woman that he loved. He didn't know what was going to happen today. He didn't know if he was either gonna lose her again, or if something was going to happen and it was going to push them apart. So many things had already happened. The entire team was there to help with this one. He didn't know but he knew that so many things could go wrong.

His hands tightened around her and he leaned closer to her, pressing his forehead against hers. Both closed their eyes trying to cherish this moment. It was either gonna be their last or not. They didn't know. They just knew that they had to protect each other at all costs. They had to make it out alive. They had a life that awaited for them to live. To live together. An eternity perhaps.

"I don't want it to end either," Jocasta said and it almost came out as a whisper. It was as if she had heard his thoughts. He knew she was talking about this moment.

His hand found her face. His thumb stroked her cheek tenderly. "We'll make it out, Jocasta," For so long he had tried so hard to find his reason to live. Ever since she entered his life, he had an answer to that question. She was his reason to live and he couldn't believe that he was probably hers too. "We have to,"

Jocasta gave him a smile and she nodded "What do you think we'll do after today?"

He felt his lips quirking up in a smile "We'll have to find a house,"

She laughed "Yeah, that'd be a good start," she pressed her cheek against his bare chest and she laced their fingers together "And then?"

She felt him chuckle against her hair "And then... we'll settle in. Find ourselves a job,"

She giggled as she looked back up at him "And then?"

He pressed a kiss on her forehead "And then..." he pulled back to look down at her. He couldn't believe he wanted to say this. But he didn't know if he'd ever get the chance to say it. He had to let her know that he wanted her for so much more "...I'll make you my wife,"

Her eyes widened for a moment before she almost felt tears gathering in her lower eyelashes. Her hand let go of his and found her mouth, trying to suppress an exclamation of excitement that reached her lips.

"A-Are you... proposing to me?!" She couldn't help stuttering. Her heart was hammering against her chest. She never thought he'd ever get that far with her. She never thought he'd be able to move on like that.

"It's not proper to do that now. I just want you to know... I need you to stay alive. Promise me that you will, Jocasta," he said worriedly as he stared down at her, impatiently waiting for an answer. His fingers tightened around hers. He didn't know what he'd do if he'd ever lost her again. He didn't know if he'd be able to handle it.

Jocasta nodded "I promise. I'm going to try, at least,"


Sephiroth smiled when she appeared on his screen. He was sitting on that chair in his own quarters with the laptop settled on the table. They were high enough to have a good connection and communicate with Hester. She had tried to convince him to let her go with them, but he had insisted that she'd stay back in the base where he knew she'd be safe.

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