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Seven Months Later


He didn't know how fast he had dropped down his guns and the bullets that he had been sorting out on the table in front of him, or how fast he'd tossed the glasses -that he'd started wearing the last couple of weeks- but he knew he nearly stumbled on his feet. His hands reached for the wall trying to keep himself standing, before he hurried right away for the bathroom. Was it the day? The day?! Now?! They had been expecting that day to arrive.

His eyes wide, as they stared at her significantly bigger belly with her hands clutching on it. His hand reached immediately for his pocket, grabbing his phone. "Should I make the call?!"

"Yes! Hurry!"

His fingers trembled as he pressed the buttons and dialled a number "Shalua! It's the day,"

"Copy that, Chief!"

He snapped the phone closed and tossed it in his pocket. He hurried towards her. She was wearing a pink gown, comfortable enough for her belly. He passed a trembling hand around her and helped her stand and walk. Jocasta let out groan of pain. Her hand clutched on her belly.

"Deep breaths, sweetheart, deep breaths!" Vincent encouraged. She could tell he was freaking out more than she did. He grabbed the keys. His hand shook as he unlocked the car and opened the door letting her in.

She sat on the backseat of his car. Her hand found his face, catching his attention "I need you to calm down, Vince..." she sucked a few deep breaths "...we can do this,"

He wasn't expecting to be so frightened. But she was in pain, and every single grunt, groan, wince, hiss, scream, was killing him and he knew those things hadn't even started yet. He bit back his fears and the panic and he nodded at her.

"We can," He closed the door and hurried over the driver's seat. He plugged in the keys and switched on the engine. He could tell he was sweating but maybe that was because it was summer, and the summer's high temperatures weren't helping at all! "Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic..." he mumbled endlessly as he drove carefully, but hastily towards Mideel.

"I'm not... panicking," Jocasta said between deep breaths, and then her head rolled back and she let out a loud cry that had him shaking to the core.

He looked back at her through the mirror "I'm saying it for myself,"

She let out another loud groan that made him grit his teeth as if he was sensing the pain himself. He felt so bad knowing that he had caused this to her. He was sure he'd stopped breathing at some point. Keep it together, Valentine. He had to scold at himself. He had to be strong. He'd been through so many things. Demons that once tormented his mind daily, wars that he had fought. The blood of his enemies that he had killed with his own hands. Horrendous monsters that he had faced, but this... This was just terrifying.

Jocasta was breathing hard, and crying out, and clutching on the seats, until they finally reached the clinic, and Hester with Shalua, along with other nurses were already waiting outside with a wheelchair. They all helped her sit on the wheelchair and the nurses hurriedly took her inside with Vincent, Hester and Shalua rushing from behind.

"I've called the team. They'll be here in a couple of hours," Hester informed them while the six of them hurried into the clinic's halls.

Shalua grabbed blue gloves, a mask and a hat from a nearby counter of the room that they had just entered, and slammed them on Vincent's chest. "Wear these,"

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